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Candy let out a sigh as she entered her new Odaiba High School. She had moved from California wanting to live a new life and she figured why not Japan. She smiled as the students walks past her looking at her with interest but Candy just smiled at them. She went to the office to get her new classes and went off in search of them. As she was walking she was hearing girls talk about a certain soccer player name Tai Kamiya, each one of them is telling a different stories to their friends of how they kiss or made love. Candy shook her head.

'So I guess this soccer player is really the school's player. I better keep my distance from that particular guy since he's mostly been around with a lot of girls even the ones that looks like complete sluts'

She thought. Just then the school bell ring letting the students know its time to head to class. Candy finally came to a stop as she saw her class. She opened the door and the teacher stopped the lecture and looked to the door and smiled at the new student.

"Class we have a new student. Please introduce yourself"

The teacher said. Candy nodded.

"My name is Candy Rose I just recently moved from California, so I'm here to make the best of it with my family."

She said with a smile.

"You can sit right behind Kamiya. Kamiya raise your hand"

She said. Candy looked to the crowd of students and saw a hand raised in the air. She made her way to her seat without giving the famous Tai Kamiya a glance but she felt his eyes on hers. After a few hours in class, the bell ring again letting students into a break. Candy went to her locker to get prepared with her books for next class. Unfortunately when she went she wasn't alone. She looked to see who it was and frown at who it was. Tai was leaning against the lockers looking at her with a smirk.

"Since you're new here, how about I show you around?"

He asked. Candy glared at him.

"No thanks, I'll pass"

She said turning her attention back to her lockers. Tai was surprise by that statement, no one ever turns him down.

"Why not?"

He asked.

"Because I already know who you are and what your game is, so you are just going to be wasting your time with me, now leave me alone I'm busy"

She said without looking at him. Tai slightly frown at her before pushing off the lockers.

"You know you want to"

He said with a smirk walking away past her but not before nudging her forward. She turn around and glared at him as he walked away. The next day, Candy was walking down the hall when she saw Tai talking to another girl at the lockers.

"So … what do you say, Sakura? The beach party is this weekend and tonight will be the best night for shows – heard they got fireworks and everything."

He was standing by the locker leaning down to stare into the girl's wide eyes, the eagerness obvious on his dark face. They made the picture of a clichéd, cloyingly, sweet highschool romance about to begin – dark, athletic soccer player and slender blonde cheerleader. It would make a great movie poster for a B-rated teen movie.

"Sure Tai,"

the blonde grinned up at him.

"Pick me up at 7?"

"I'll be there,"

Tai said, nodding with a wide grin stretched on his face he genuinely looked pleased. Candy rolled her eyes, she heard rumors that he was trying to get Sakura to agree to go out with him that was a surprise. As Candy made her way passing them, Tai saw her and gave her a wink and the girl in front of him squeal thinking that he winked at her. Candy shook her head, as she went to meet up with her friend Sora who she befriended yesterday.

"Hey Sora"

"Hi Candy. I wanted to ask you if this weekend you want to go to a beach party with me and my other friends. Its going to be a blast and that way you can get to know everyone better"

She said with a smile.

"Sure it sounds great"


Candy was surprirse when she found out that Sora actually had a thing with Tai and they even slept together but a relationship never happened since her heart belong to someone else. As the weekdays come and gone the weekends were finally here, Candy was getting ready for to meet Sora at their meeting spot. Together they headed to the beach, Candy meet Sora's friends, Izzy, Joe, TK, Mimi, Kari who is a sister of Tai and Matt who is Sora's boyfriend. Unfortunately, Tai was there as well, none of his friends really like what he does but its his life. Candy went to the bar and grabbed a shot and drank one and then another. Until a hand grabbed her shoulder, she turned her head around and recognize it to be Tai but she didn't really care in her drunken state.

"You might wanna slow down with those shots"

He said.

"Oh come on.... Let me live a little ya"

She said with a bit of slur in her words. Candy is never a heavy drinker or even a drinker for that matter and she couldn't handle her liquor down.

"Keep em coming cutie"

She said to the bartender. She took another shot and looked to her bikini outfit.

"Man I'm getting hot"

She said as she was about to take off her bikini top until Tai surprisingly stopped her.

"Okay I think you had enough"

He said as he hugged her for prevent her from taking it off.

"No no, what I think is that you never know when you have enough. WOAH PARTY!!"

She screamed happily. Tai took her away from the bar.

"Where are we going?"

She asked as she wobbled with Tai holding on to her, as they made their way to the parking lot. Tai put her inside his car with a smirk, just then a group of guys walked up behind Tai.

"This girl is next?"

One of them asked with a smirk. Tai grinned.

"Yeah and this one is mine"

He said as he got inside the car.

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