Quitting School

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The past few days went by and Tai notice that Candy haven't been in school. He was sitting at his desk and the desk in front of him was empty and what he found weird is that the teacher no longer bother to call Candy's name during the roll call. He decided to do his own investigation but in the inside he was hoping that Candy didn't do what she said she would. After class, Tai walked up to the teacher's desk after eveyone left.

"What can I help you with Mr. Kamiya?"

"I was wondering why didn't you called Candy's name during the roll call?"

"That's because she is no longer in this class"

"What? By any chance do you know what class she has?"

"What I meant was that she is no longer in this class because her mother signed her out of the school"

Tai's eyes open wide.

'But her mother died months ago'

He thought. The teacher notice is reaction.

"Is everything okay?"

Tai shook his head and smiled nervously.

"Yeah everything is fine. Thank you"

He said as gave a slight bow in respect. He then quickly stepped out of the classroom lost in thought until a couple of cheerleaders threw themselves at him.

"There you are, we were waiting for you"

"Come on, my parents won't be home this weekend so we could have the house and their bedroom all to ourselves"

Tai growled a little as he pulled away from them.

"Sorry girls I'm busy"

"This doesn't have anything to do with that Candy girl right?"

One said leaning her back against the lockers and one leg bended against the locker with her knee sticking out so her skirt would go up higher. Tai looked at her in surprise.

"What makes you say that?"

"Don't play stupid we heard what you ask the teacher and plus you have been standing by that girl's locker that never came"

Tai walked up to her placing one hand above her head looking at her with a smirk.

"Is someone jealous?"

"Is someone in love?"

She counter back. Tai pulled back in surprise and scoff.

"Don't kid yourself"

"Then let's go right now to Marisa's house"

Tai bite his lip trying to come up with a lie.

"Sorry but I promise my sister that I would pick her up after school and I'm gonna be late"

He said as he looked at his watch. The girl scoff.

"Whatever. Go with your whore"

She said as she pushed away from the locker turning away but Tai grabbed her arm pulling her back to him as he captured her lips into a heated kiss.

"I want in"

"Me too"

Two other girls whine. Tai smirk and grabbed them by the waist pulling them three together as he kissed them at the same time. After a couple of more minutes Tai pulled away with a smirk.

"See you girls later"

Tai said with a wave as he ran. As he was running he was also lost in thought.

'If I love Candy then why do I keep doing what I'm doing. Ah its probably just a passing thing'

He thought as he shook his head. Tai ran all the way to Candy's apartment. Once he got to the door he was panting and sweating, when he finally got his breathe back he knocked on the door. The door soon opened to reveal Candy in a waitress outfit, Tai smirk.

"Well I guess you already knew I was coming since you got into you're role play outfit"

Candy rolled her eyes and was about to slam the door on his face but he easily pushed it back and let himself in.

"Get out Kamiya"

"I just got here"

He said as he sat on the couch and rubbed the texture of the new couch.

"New couch?"


"The other one broke?"

"Actually I had to disinfect my whole apartment for to get rid of your stench"


He said as he leaned back.

"So where are you going?

"Not that its any of your business but I need to work to keep myself alive."

"Why did you quite school?"

"I told you I didn't want to deal with you"

"You're 17yrs old"

"In a half. I'll be 18 next month. Kamiya seriously I need to lock up my door, now get out"

"Don't worry I have an extra key"

"I have a new lock"

"Wow you really went all out"

"Yeah to keep raccoons like you out. Now would you mind"

"I do mind. Let's stay and talk"

"What the hell do you think we were doing moments ago, Kamiya I will call the cops for tresspassing and stalking"

"And then what? They'll take you for being a minor, they'll probably take you to an orphanage"

He said with a smirk thinking that he got the upperhand. Candy growled in annoyance.

"I don't care okay. I don't care if they put me in a foster home because they're is no one else there for me. I have no other family and if that means they take me away from here, away from you then I'll rather be in a orphanage"

She said angrily. Tai froze as he realized Candy had a point.

"Now again. Would you mind?"

She said opening the door signaling for to get out. Tai smiled as he stood up.

"Fine then I'm gonna let you cool off"

He said as he made his way to the door.

"I'll be back soon"


Candy said suddenly. Tai stopped to look back in surprise.


"Wait here"

She said quietly. Tai waited a couple of seconds before Candy returned with a plastic bag and threw it at his face catching him off guard. He looked at it in surprise and then smirk.

"Are you giving me your thongs?"

Candy made a disgusting face.

"Don't be a pig, those are your little trophies that you left in my spare room when you were with your little toys"

She said as she slammed the door on his blushing face.

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