Nothing But Bad News

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Warning Letters in Bold is Tai pretending to speak like someone else. Enjoy!

"The truth is son, is that the reason you couldn't contact her parents is because they're dead"

Tai's eyes open wide in shock.

"What? How long ago?"

"In a car crash about a couple of months ago"

Tai was lost in thought.

'Is that the reason why at the beach party Candy was drinking to get rid of the pain?'

"There's more"

The doctor said getting Tai out of his thoughts. Tai looked at the Doctor in surprise.

"What else?"

"She was pregnant"

Tai mouth dropped in shock.

'Is this what she wanted to tell me at the park today?'

He asked himself. He then looked up at the doctor.

"Is the baby okay?"

The doctor closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm sorry but the impact of the car caused her to miscarry"

"H-how far along was she?"

He asked with tears gathering in his eyes.

"A month"

He said. Tai closed his eyes as he leaned forward on his seat as he began to sob quietly.

"Were you the father?"

The doctor asked. Tai wiped his tears and covered up his face and nodded as he sobbed.

'This is too much, I can't handle this. I need some air'

He thought as he stood up and was about to walk out the door but the doctor stopped him.

"Son wait there is more"

Tai punched the closest wall next to him and turned around to look at the doctor angrily.

"What else could there be? She's been though enough for a whole year already!"

"Until she wakes up, we don't know if her eye sight will be permanent or temporary."

"You mean to tell me that she might not see clearly or she might not see ever again"

The doctor nodded.

"It takes time to heal"

"I need to think"

He said walking out of the room and headed to the cafeteria. He bought himself a coffee and sat down on the lounge wondering what to do after she wakes.

'I never knew Candy had such a hard life and the fact that she was pregnant I know she will be disappointed that she lost it. I was thrill and scared when I found out but there is nothing I could do about it now. Maybe in the future when I have my life together then I would want to settle with someone and raise a family maybe with Candy'

He thought as he took a sip of his coffee.

'What do I do if Candy gets mad? What if she throws a gasket and what if she's mad at me for not getting there in time? Her life is going to change when she wakes up and I want to help her but I know she doesn't trust me enough, she still doesn't even consider me a friend. I know maybe if I can just change my voice a bit and she won't notice and that way she could know the real me, she will probably be mad that I fooled her but its a risk I'm willing to make. She needs me whether she wants it or not'

Tai thought with a slight smile as he took a sip of his coffee. He let out a sigh as he continued to think of a plan to help her because he knows she doesn't trust him but if he was to change his voice and pretend to be someone else then she wouldn't know the difference. After Tai finished his coffee, he decided to head back to the room and was surprise to see the doctor and nurses inside the room surrounding the bed. He quickly ran to the bed and was in shock as he saw Candy sitting up on the bed with the bandages covering her eyes. The doctor smiled at Tai.

"Ah and here he is now"

The doctor said with a smile.


Candy asked.

"The young man who helped saved you"


She asked, she then moved her head to the side.

"Tai is that you?"

She asked but Tai didn't answer, he cleared up his voice and made it sound deep.

"The name is Jeff"

He said in deep voice. Candy frown.

"Doctor was there a young man with brown hair wild hair?"

"Um no only this young man Jeff"

The doctor said. (A/N: Remember the Doctor doesn't know Tai's name) Candy nodded but judging from her face expression she was confused and hurt. She lift up her head quickly.

"Doctor I'm pregnant is my baby okay?"

She asked and there was dead silence in the room. The doctor let out a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry Ms. Rose"

Candy looked like she was about to break down but the nurses quickly went to check the bandages around her eye.

"Sweetheart please I know you're hurting but if you cry the bandages will come off"

She warned. Candy nodded as she tried to pull herself together. Tai felt horrible, she couldn't see, her baby is gone and most of all she's not allowed to cry.

"What about my eyes?"

"We will be removing the bandages to see how affected it is. We can do it right now if you want?"


The doctor nodded as he got close to Candy and began to remove the bandages. After a couple of seconds later, every thing was removed. Candy opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times before looking around in confusion.

"Doctor....are the lights off?"

She asked. The doctor flashed a light towards Candy's eyes and saw no reaction. He let out a sigh as he pulled back.

"There seems to be something blocking it but we removed all the glasses from your eyes. After we run some more test we can see if its permanent or temporarily. We'll be back soon so hang tight"

Candy nodded towards the voice. The doctor and nurses left the room but Candy could hear someone breathing inside the room.

"Jeff is it?"

She asked. Tai took a deep breath and nodded but hit himself in the head because he forgot she couldn't see.


"I just want to say thank you for rescuing me"

"It was no problem"

Tai said in a deep voice.

"By any chance did you see a guy with brown spikey hair?"

"You mean Tai right?"

"How do you know?"

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