Who are you?

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Warning the words in bold is Tai talking in a deep voice pretending to be someone else!! Enjoy!

"Because i go to the same school as you and I am part of the soccer team, so I see you both around.Now that you mention it, he was here though. He left a few hours ago because his parents wanted him home"


She said simply. Tai smirk and decided how far can he take it.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Ew no"

"But I see you both always together at school?"

"I'm pretty sure you know about his reputation but he acts like a dog in heat at times"

She said with a giggle. Tai glared at her slightly before chuckling because afterall he is pretending to be someone else.

"Um I don't mean to be rude but shouldn't you be going? I mean we don't know each other and for all I know you could probably be some creep changing your voice to fool me"

Tai frowned and waved his hand in front of her but saw no reaction. Candy tilted her head.

"Is the window open?"

"No why?"

"I felt a breeze close to my face"

Tai chuckled nervously.

"I think you should rest"

"I rested enough. You should go, I'll be okay"

"Actually I won't mind staying, for that way I can keep you company and plus we could get to know each other better, be more acquainted"

He suggested. Candy thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay then. You said you're part of the soccer team at our high school right?"


"So you know about the rumors"

"Yes I am well aware what's been said around the school"

"Were you there at the beach party?"

Tai was stuck but he knew he needed to come up with a lie.

"No I wasn't able to go"

"Oh why not? If you don't mind me asking?"

"My baby sister was sick and I would just feel awful if I leave her home alone"

"What about your parents?"

"They work a lot."

Tai bit his lip wondering if Candy would lie to this 'Jeff'

"What about your parents? Do you have any brother or sister?"

Candy looked down sadly but tried not to cry.

"I gotta be honest, my parents died in a car accident a few months ago. I was the only child. Its ironic right?"

Tai said raised an eye brow.


"Well my parents died in a car accident and I got hit by a car but I'm still here"

"I'm sorry Candy"

Candy sadly smiled. She heard foot steps getting close to her and someone grabbed her hand. Candy smiled and gently squeezed the hand.

"Thank you for being here, even though I can't see you and I wish I could have known you in school"

"Don't worry about it. Wait, if your parents are gone then how are you still standing?"

He asked curiously. Candy smiled and placed a finger against her lips.

"I have a part time job and its helping me get by. I have a apartment and I'm just living alone"

Tai was amazed. This was the side he never knew of Candy before, he was looking at her with a smile as he finally took notice, and after the accident she is still standing.

"You're a survivor"

Candy giggled but stopped when they heard knocking. Tai looked back to see the doctor.

"Who is it?"

Candy asked being left out.

"Its the doctor"

Tai answered in a deep voice.

"We are ready to run some test"

Candy nodded as the nurses came to put Candy in a wheelchair. Tai helped to carry her on the chair and before he let go, Candy grabbed his hand.

"Will you still be here?"

"As long as you want me"

He said with a smile. Candy smiled as they rolled her out of the room. Tai let out a sigh.

'She really is a survivor'

He thought with a proud smile. After hours of testing, the results came back and it turns out the lost of eye sight is only temporary but they weren't sure for how long, it can take months or years. Candy has been in the hospital for th last couple of days until they finally released her. Tai was there helping her every day. They were in the car, Tai was driving her home.

"So are you sure you can make it up the stairs by yourself?"

Tai asked in a deep voice. Candy let out a sigh.

"This is new to me, so I might need a lot of help"

"Would you like for me to stay?"

He asked with a grin. Candy smiled gently and Tai was surprise by her response.

"If it won't be too much trouble"

Tai smiled.

"Of course not. You can trust me"

"I already do"

She said catching Tai by surprise. Tai smiled as he felt his heart flutter.

'She trust's me'

He thought happily. Candy gave him the directions and pretty soon they came to a stop. Tai helped her out of the car and gathered her things. Candy was holding on to his arm walking step by step hoping not to fall since she couldn't see a thing. Tai open the door and helped her to the couch, he settles the things on the ground and took a look around and was surprise to see a piano.

"You play a piano?"

He asked. Candy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I do a bit of singing, its not perfect but its something I like to do"


He said lowly.


Candy said. Tai turn to look at her confused but then remembered he was playing a part.


"Just make yourself at home"

"I will thanks"

"No thank you"

"It was my pleasure. So is there anything you want a snack? A drink?"

"Orange juice will be fine. The kitchen is down the hall and Jeff there is an extra key on the shelf in my room"

Tai nodded.

"Okay I'll be right back"

He said with a smile.

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