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Warning remember the words in bold is Tai talking in a deep voice pretending to be someone else! Enjoy!

"I don't know, I just don't feel like it, I mean I do but I'm scared"

Tai was trying to convince Candy to go on a date with him but she was having doubts since she haven't left the house when she got released from the hospital. She was currently sitting in her couch.

"Scared of what?"

Tai asked confused in a deep voice.

"Well now because I can't see and I realise that the world is pretty big and I'm pretty small. I don't want to get lost"

She said sadly. Tai gently smiled at her, lifting up her face towards him even though she couldn't see Tai treated her like she could see.

"Just because you're blind that doesn't mean you should stop living your life"

Tai said with a smile. Candy smiled.

"Alright then Jeff let's go out"

She said with more confidence. Tai let out a sigh, to be honest he started to hate the fact she keeps calling his name Jeff even though he knows that's not his name but he starting to feel a slight guilt. As Tai and Candy were walking down the street, Candy had her arm wrapped around Tai's arm, trusting him to led her the way.

"So where are we going?"

She asked. Tai smirk.

"Its a surprise for our date"

He said but the truth is he wanted to take her where no would recognize him. Candy blushed when he mention the date.

"Fine then if you're not gonna tell me then how far is it?"

"Just two subway trains"


"It beats walking"

He said with a grin. After taking two subway trains, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Jeff now can you tell me?"

"I want you to guess"

"I smell.....the ocean and I can hear seagulls. We're at the pier?"

"Close but you are right about the water"

Tai led her to the aquarium. He paid for the admission and led her the way, he knew she couldn't be able to see but she can touch. Candy was confused, it felt crowded to her and she could smell fishes.

'Just where are we?"

Tai came to a stop at a large tank that was uncovered.

"Watch your step Candy, pick one feet up like you're taking the stairs"

Candy nodded and did what she was told.

"Give me your hand"

Candy was nervous but a huge smile was on her face as she gave him her hand. Tai smirked as he placed her hand in the water once it made contact, Candy squealed.

"Okay I'm at a fish tank right? Are we in the aquarium?"

"That's right"

Tai laughed as he grabbed her hand again and gently touched a starfish but Candy screamed and pulled her hand back.

"What was that? What did I just touched?"

She yelled with a laugh.

"It was a starfish"

"Oh wow"

She said. Tai grabbed her hand once more and gently touched a baby stingray.

"Okay that one was slippery. What was it?"

"A baby stingray"

"Okay no more touching the tank"

She said with a laugh. Tai laughed and led her away.

"That's fine they have other things you can touch of samples"

He said as he took her to a bird section. Tai and Candy were happily holding the birds and feeding them. They even feed a sea otter and touched a dolphin. As the day was coming to an end, Tai decided to take her back to her apartment. Tai placed her to sit on the couch.

"Oh Jeff this was the best day ever"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Now how about I cook something for us to eat"

"Sounds good.."

She said as she stretched out her hand to Jeff. Tai notice and grabbed hold of her hand.

"...but can we have take out instead"

Tai caress her hand in his.

"You don't want a home cooked meal?"

He asked confused.

"I do but I want to have more of your company"

Tai smiled as he kissed her hand.

"Okay then, I'll just order take out. Anything you want?"

"I can go for some chinese food"

"Alright chinese it is"

He said as he took out his cell phone and began to call. It took 20 minutes before the food finally arrived, during that time Candy was cuddling on Tai's arm talking, laughing and more cuddling. After they finished eating, Tai put a movie for to watch, even though Candy couldn't see it she was able to enjoy the movie just by listening. After the movie finished Tai helped Candy to bed, Tai stayed with her just for they can talk.

"It was an amazing day, thank you so much"

"I'm glad you could enjoy it with me, you see I told you to don't stop living your life. Don't let fear stop you from doing something you always wanted to do"

Tai said sincerely. Candy smiled.

"Thanks Jeff that really means a lot to me"

"Its getting late, how about tomorrow we go on another date?"

"Sounds lovely"

"Okay goodnight Candy"

Tai said as he got off her bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight Jeff"

She said lowly as she settle into bed with a sigh. Tai smiled at her sleeping form, he was even surprise with himself of how he is taking everything slow usually when he goes out with a girl they have sex the same day. Tai walked into the spare room that Candy let him stay in, he walked towards the window to see the moon high in the sky. He looked at himself in the reflection window.

'Candy the day you find out that Jeff is actually me please forgive me, I didn't know what I was doing or what I was thinking but all I wanted was for you to give me a chance.'

He thought sadly. Its been a couple of months since Tai stopped sleeping around but he was starting to feel the urges to sleep around again.

'Its best what Candy doesn't know won't hurt her'

Tai thought with a smirk as he called up one of his girls.

"Hey sexy want to have some fun?"

He asked. The girl from the other line responded.

"Oh hot stuff bring it on"

Tai sneaked out of the apartment to meet the girl at a hotel.

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