"Have a gay old time."

109 6 0

warning: homophobia and slurs


School sounds less than great, and I'm being optimistic.

The train ride with Z had been alright, but her parting words to me really weren't the best ones she could have used.

"Bye Ry! Have a gay old time."

Yes. I really was prepared to face the day.

My eyes darted between my timetable and the court yard in front of me. There was too much sandstone for anyone less than upper-middle class to belong. Even the air smelt pretentious. Each clique had their own over priced quirk. Three boys stood leaning against a tree, all with with designer watches. Another duo sat on a bench under an archway. An archway. This isn't colonial France. The two boys were comparing their adidas sneakers.

Finally, my eyes settle on the biggest, noisiest group of the most obnoxious boys in the courtyard.


They're either the rugby union team, or there is someone who is richer or better looking than them at the centre of their attention.

I can't make out exactly what they're saying, but I manage to steal a glance at the boy laughing at their remarks.

I stop walking, for a second. If he wasn't standing in the middle of a pack of wild dogs, I might call him beautiful.

His jet black hair sat neatly on his head, framing a substantial forehead. His eyes were rich and chocolaty, and his lips... dear god.

I pull my eyes away from his features. Looking up, I'm met with pointed fingers and smirks from everyone but the black haired boy.

I sigh, scurrying off to find my class.


"Ryan Ross?"



Mate, do you want a golden plated toilet too?

"Good morning, Ma'am." I hiss the last word through my teeth. A laugh from the boy beside me rings in my ear.

"Thank you, Mr. Ross, but please call me Miss. Harris."

"Hey, are you the new boy?"

I study the face of the boy beside me. If I hadn't heard him speak, I'd think he was twelve.

"I guess I am"

"You don't sound that American."

"Then that makes me the other new boy."

His chest relaxes as I raise a sarcastic eyebrow.

"Why? what's wrong with the other new boy?"

"Well, I'm Spencer." He laughs, offering a hand to me.

"And I saw him sucking up to Joey White and his minions before class."

Oh. He meant the boy with the black hair and twinkling eyes.

"Is Joey that union playing daddy's boy looking guy?"

"Geez, Ryan. Don't you know profiling is rude."

We both laugh at the theatrical drama instilled by his tone. A head whips up to look at us. It's that gorgeous American. Who also happens to hang around Joey White.

He flashes me a huge, toothy grin, making my cheeks heat up. Spencer shoots him a glare.

"Gentlemen, If you choose to socialise during my time, I will choose to lecture you in yours. Understood?"

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