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In each of my classes, I'd find those Amber eyes. Most of the time, he sat chattering to Spencer, and in mixed medias laughing with the black haired boy from lunch. 

Before lunch, I'd floated from group to group in class. I didn't mind it. It went well until people started to find out I wasn't rich, was a boarder, and gay. So I would chat to the people that would answer me, but no one I spoke to really held my attention.

It wasn't entirely their fault, of course. Most of the people that would still talk to me were just very upper class. They'd talk about their cars, and travelling around Europe, or going yachting on the weekend.

But I could deal with those types of people. They weren't trying to show off, it was just how life went for them.

At this point, I'm just glad I don't share any classes with Joey.

But now, it's the end of the day, and I'm counting the numbers on the doors to try and find my dorm.

23, 24, 25, 26.

Finally, I come across a door reading 26. I check the paper one last time, just to make sure it's the right room.

It is, so I turn the handle.

Inside, I'm met with a small, dull room, with an identical bed and desk on either side, and a closed door, which I assume leads onto a bathroom. At the back of the room, is an old looking dark wood closet.

I sigh, and walk over to it. Opening the doors, I can see that whoever my roommate is has thrown his uniform into half the closet, hanging his shirts up and folding his trousers and blazer haphazardly on the shelf at the bottom. I shrug, and do the same.

In the single draw next to the only made bed in the room, which I am claiming as mine, I fold my casual clothes into. Finally, I hang my leather jacket over the chair at my desk. It's just as aesthetic as it is functional.

The door creaks, and I hear a familiar sounding voice.

"Hey... Roomie."

I swing around, and see him standing at the door.


When he sees me, his eyes drop to the floor, and his smile vanishes. So does mine.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, taking a step towards him.

"Yeah, fine." He pushes past me, straight to the bathroom. A few seconds later I hear the shower turn on.

So the boy with amber eyes is my roommate, but apparently he hates me.

Defeated and confused, I flop onto my bed. My eyes flutter shut. Why does shit like this happen to me. I look happy, I'm nice to people. I have a cool accent, people have told me that. But I only ever manage to make fair-weather friends. 

At least he seems happy.

I open my eyes, hearing a voice filled with nostalgia and uncertainty float through my ears, making me feel warm and fuzzy. I sit up, realising that the boy is singing.

"From St. Kilda to Kings Cross

Is thirteen hours on a bus

I press my face against the glass

And watch the white lines rushing past

And all around me felt like

All inside me, and my body left me

Land Down Under // Rydon AUWhere stories live. Discover now