Only campus security can resist Pete Wentz's smile

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~ Ryan ~

The dawn chorus still gets me, even in the city. That's one of the things I love about this country. Some things don't change, wherever you end up.

After the birds finish their songs, I pry my eyes open.

I can't help but smile at what I see.

Brendon lies there, still asleep, his chest moving up and down lightly. Our limbs are intertwined, and I don't care to see where I end and where he starts.

A smile creeps it's way onto my lips.

"You look pretty when you smile."

Brendon's hoarse morning voice floats through my ears, engraving itself into my mind, dancing it's way through. I rest my head back on his shoulder, feeling him stir underneath me.

"You're funny, even if you're sleepy."

He pauses, stroking my hair.

"You don't think you're pretty?"

I look up at him, biting my lip.

"Well.. not really."


I don't know. There's just prettier people than me.

"I don't know."

"Well I know why you're pretty."

My eyes find their way back to his. I hum in response.

"I might tell you, one day."


"So boys," Pete threw his plate on the table as he squeezed in between me and Brendon. "We need to do something on Friday night."

Spencer rolls his eyes. I breathe more enthusiastically than usual.

"With our fucking groupies?" Spencer gestured to the people surrounding us, or, lack thereof. We were the only people within a four table radius.

"Don't be a killjoy, Spence." Pete draws a pout onto his face, before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Besides, Rydog over here seems to have a friend who's name might resemble the last letter of the alphabet that you seemed very interested in at the league trials.

The mention of the trials makes the three of us blush. All for different reasons, of course.

A collective sigh leaves our lips.

"I can invite Z, if you want." I add onto Pete's taunting quickly, before he can set his sights on me and Brendon.

"I think Spence would like that." At that, Spencer pushed Pete off his seat, onto the ground.

"Geez Spence, food and safety and shit. Don't leave scraps on the floor." Brendon grinned, finding his remark absolutely hilarious.

"Come on, that was funny." He glanced down at Pete, who still sat on the floor, and then back to Spencer and I. "A laugh? Please?"

"No, it was not funny." Pete had rejoined us, upright on his chair. "Anyway lads, we are veering off course. What's our plan of attack for Friday?"

They started chattering excitedly about things that we could do, but probably shouldn't, seeing as the worst suggestions would kill us, and the best make us need to flee the country. I just listened, laughing internally.

Back home, I never really went out and did stuff. I'd help with the park, do some school, and in the evenings have a bonfire or fuck around with Z, and the Ways if they were at the park, and even then, we couldn't exactly do much. We were over an hour away from the town, and the shops were two. We often ended up swimming or just talking.

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