Whether Brendon held that tackle or not is a matter of opinion

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~ Ryan ~

My mind finishes it's brief detour from the present, and I'm met with Brendon's smile.

"You right there?" His hand hovers over my shoulder, but he pulls it back. His chocolatey eyes darted down at the path, and for a split second his grin melts into something wistful, that I can't quite place.

"Yeah. Just thinking." Sensing his apprehension, I keep my eyes planted firmly on the ground. 

"Thinking's good." Our shoulders brush together, eyes finally meeting.

"It's scary sometimes." I tried to return his smile the best I could, but I knew he could see straight through it.

That was something I liked about Brendon. He was good at reading people. At judging them, I guess. I really admire people that can see through all that surface shit. That's why I knew Brendon was different that first night in our dorm. He didn't stop trying to make stuff right. He must've seen that I needed a friend. 

Or maybe he needed one too.

"Only if you don't have anyone to bring you out of your head." Our eyes seem to lock together. I wouldn't mind throwing away the keys. 

The smile is wiped off my face when I feel the wind knocked out of my chest, as my body is thrown to the ground.

"Brendon... What the fuck?" I half wheeze and half laugh as he pins me to the ground.

"Apparently I held that tackle in trials today. But, personally, I have to disagree." I let myself relax into the moment. There's a voice in my head asking me why anyone like Brendon would have any interest in me.

I wasn't exciting. I was hardly going places. I'm not the easiest person to be around.

But I decide that that's all they are. Voices. Or at least, for now.

I bite my lip, trying to control the colour in my cheeks. "So," He continues, "I figure, it's unhealthy to have unfinished business."

There's barely room for any air between where our lips hover. I can feel his warm breath flow over my face. His hair is grazing my forehead, still damp from running around. 

His eyes light up, still staring into mine. I can feel the hesitation hum above his head, as if he's weighing something up.

"What's wrong?" My voice is so quiet it might just get carried away in the wind.

He doesn't need to reply, or rather, he doesn't get the chance to. I take him by surprise, flipping him over so that I'm on top of him, pressing our foreheads together. 

"Nothing much." He finally lets out a mumble, and matches the grin spreading across my face.

Time seems to slow down, as the air hangs low and warm. The setting sun is sending the sky into a pink and orange frenzy, beginning to tease the moon out of it's slumber.

It almost seems perfect.

It almost was.

"Well, what d' we have here boys?" I throw myself off of Brendon as a cold, hard, voice rings through the air, shattering the moment like glass.

"Guess we'd better find out, Angus."

I can here Brendon muttering profanities under his breath, as he stumbles upright, following my need.

"Dude we're in fucking deep shit if that's Joey White." He intertwines his fingers with mine, and starts to tug on my arm.

I don't even register his touch, or the butterflies that erupt as a consequence. All I can think about is the three boys standing in front of us. 

Land Down Under // Rydon AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora