Note 1

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ok so this is not an update.

but writing that i guess im assuming people are invested in this story so who's the joke on really..?


I will probably update some time today, so thats fun.

here is a small explanation for the two people and like four cockroaches that care:

So school got busy and then i decided i wanted to write a ~deep~ story because hello I'm literally john green who even are you

and then i got three chapters into that and just lost all inspiration and zest for life because uh you know, depression.

but I'm here and unsure of what to do with my free time now that school's out for two weeks.

so stay tuned for more trash from yours truely.

oh also most of the rest of the story will just be Ryan's POV because I'm a lazy piece of trash but they'll still be a lil bit of brendon's POV so yeah idk.

also im going to see panic in october haHA


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