Fairy lights are the best way to spice up these hospital green walls, fight me.

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~ Brendon ~

It was a little after eleven when we stumbled back into our dorm. Neither Ryan or I were that tipsy. Or at least, not compared to Pete and Mikey. They were so drunk that Pete had decided to stay the night at the Way household to avoid a confrontation the next morning about his hangover with Mr. Armstrong, when we were all inevitably late to Rugby the next morning.

We'd shared a vodka cruiser, me and Ryan, and Z seemed to think it was especially cute, making sure to get a picture. Ryan and I were hardly the talk of the town though, not with what Spencer had dubbed as 'Peteky' swapping spit when they were off on their merry way to the bottle shop.

I lay back onto my pillow, listening to the water of Ryan's shower splash onto the tiles. Part of my hopes he'll start singing again, but I doubt he will. All the other boys are meant to be asleep. key word; meant. But Ryan's too nice to even consider disturbing them. 

I on the other hand, am not.

"Hey Ryan.." I bang my hand against the wall, so that he hears me. 

"What?" His voice is slightly louder than mine was.

"Sing me something."

"Hang on." I hear the shower stop, before he speaks again.

"What did you say?"

"I want you to sing me something." I smirk, having anticipated the awkward silence that has fell upon us.

"Why?" His voice sounds croakier than it did before. I've made him nervous.

"Because your voice is pretty."


"Like you."

I hear a cough through the wall, followed by the sound of running water. I expected that to be the only sound that followed our interaction, but apparently he was feeling confident, because his caramel voice fills the room.

"Galleries of pink Galahs

Crystal nights with diamond stars

Apricots preserved in jars

That's my home

Land of oceans in the sun

Purple hazes, river gum

Breaks your heart when rain won't come

It breaks your heart."

The last line he sang sent chills through my body. It sounds like I'm exaggerating, and if it were any other person, I probably would be. But Ryan's different. He's an old soul, I can tell that much. 

And he always sounds like he's aching for something. That's what it felt like when he kissed me. Like he was longing for something. It could be homesickness, but something as superficial as that didn't seem to suit Ryan.

Another thing I'd noticed about him was his tired eyes, and weathered hands. His touch was soft. And I hadn't only noticed that earlier in the night. I'd seen it when he'd open doors, or turn the pages in a text book. Little things like that. The only time I'd seen him rough was playing rugby, but you sort of had to be, considering the nature of the game.

I feel so silly, falling for someone I've practically just met, but only one other person has made me feel this safe.

But I won't let myself think about him anymore than that.

Because that's all he deserves.

To be a thought.


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