"It's basically one bloke shoving two blokes' heads up another bloke's arse."

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~ Brendon ~

"Hey Bren," Ryan walks out of the bathroom, wearing gym shorts and a red and white jersey. "You gonna trial for the rugby team?"

"I don't know." I hope this isn't the union thing Joey was talking about. I don't know if I could bear playing on a team with him.

Ryan seems to pick up on the apprehensive quiver in my voice. He looks down, as if he's embarrassed that he even asked me.

 Back home, I'd played a bit of gridiron, but I'd never really enjoyed it. It was more the people than the sport though. It was like they though the further they could throw a ball, the less any form of humility related to them.

"Will Joey be there?"

"Joey?" he gave a small laugh. "Nah. Pete told me he's a union boy. He's too rich to play league anyway. All the league boys will be borders and a couple of scholarship kids."

I heave a sigh of relief, and offered Ryan a small smile.

"Alright. I'll give it a shot."

"Give what a shot?" Pete's head pops through the door. he scans the room and grins. "Ryan? You're a dragons supporter?" His gaze locks in on Ryan's jersey, and he twists his face into a disgusted expression. He pushes the door open wider, and flops into my desk chair.

"Cronulla? Really Pete?" Ryan retorts, poking his tongue out at the sight of Pete's light blue Jersey. "I would've thought you had standards."

"Shit Ryan, me too." Spencer walks in, wearing a jersey similar to Ryan's, but with more red on it.

"Bitch, I think you're forgetting that you guys haven't won a premiership in like 30 years." Pete folds his arms, looking pleased with himself. Ryan looks like he's about to explode from holding in laughter, while Spencer coughs dramatically.

"Bitch try 11 consecutive premierships"

"Yeah and Cronulla hasn't even won ONE." *As of July 2018, Cronulla has won 1 premiership, and St. George has won 15. This story is set in the early 2000s.

"Alright, as interesting as this all is," I flash a sarcastic grin at Pete. "If I'm going to trial, I need to know the rules."

"Mate, You're trialling?" Pete glances around the room before beaming up at me. "What did Ryan say to convince you?" Pete turns to look at Ryan, giving him a thumbs up.

"I mean I would if I knew how to play." Pete ignores me, and keeps talking.

"Spence, if our all American reject is trialling, I think you can too."

"I reckon I'll stick with a cricket, Pete."

Pete sticks out his bottom lip while spencer laughs.

"The rules, guys."

"Oh yeah, you were asking."

I give Pete a friendly shove. I feel my stomach fizz up when he returns it.

"So basically, stay inside the lines, don't grab their necks, and when you scrum, be aggressive."

I nod. I don't know what I expected from Pete. 

"What's a scrum?" That was the only thing I didn't understand.

"It's basically one bloke shoving two blokes' heads up another bloke's arse."

I look at Ryan and Spencer for confirmation, who are laughing at Pete.

"It's a gay old time!" I spin around, and see a blonde girl poking her head through the door.

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