I pull their legs off

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--- Ryan's POV ---

I wake up in a tangle of limbs, Brendon's head resting on my chest, rising and falling with my breathing. He looks so peaceful, so pretty. He doesn't deserve what's happened to him. Not what might happen here if James finds out about us. 

I'm alone with my thoughts until my favourite morning voice fills my ears, muffled by the fabric of my duvet, "Morning pretty boy."

"You know, I was just thinking about how pretty you are when you sleep, my dear." He grins at me in reply, eyes as bright as the sun creeping past the blinds. 

"You sound like an old man, dear." I laugh at his mocking tone, ruffling his bed head.

"I'm your old man, baby." 

"As long as you don't die in the next six months, That's fucking amazing."

"It's too early for your weird dark humour boo." He doesn't reply, instead pushing me out of the bed, onto the floor.

"Fucking idiot."

"You called?" The door is thrown open, and standing there is a dishevelled looking Pete, grinning like a mad man, with Mikey in tow.

"Peter!" Brendon yells in excitement, practically leaping out of bed to say hi.

"Oh yeah, just leave me here on the cold, hard ground." My lament is met with Pete's atrocious singing, accompanied by Mikey's giggles.

"And now I'm lying on the cold hard ground,"

"OH! WOAH!" Mikey and Brendon yell just like the bitches they are.

"Trouble Trouble Trouble." Pete finishes his performance with some absolutely fabulous jazz hands, because that's exactly what I need at 6:34am.

"Beautiful. Taylor is quaking." I snap at Pete, swatting away the hand he was so kindly offering me, pulling myself to my feet defiantly.

"You brought that one onto yourself, matey boy." Mikey adds from the door. I just push past him, determined to get to the kitchen without another ambush attack. If I get rick rolled in the next half hour you know who to call to testify in a court of law.

"Ry's up, mama." Fi calls out to the kitchen from her place on the bar stool, smiling at me. "Gee's in the lounge room with frank. He said he was too busy to find soldier crabs on the beach with me." 

"I'll help you find a pet crab, Fi." Brendon offers, but Mikey and I just stifle a laugh.

"I pull their legs off." 

A disturbed Brendon and confused Pete stare at my younger sister. I can hear Gee and Frank from the other room, chuckling at how sociopathic she sounds.

"Morning Ryan honey." My mum emerges from the kitchen, balancing a stack of toast on a plate. "I've got eggs and bacon cooking for you and you're friends. I'm so glad you've found your feet at school."

She has no idea what I've found at school.

"Head out to the verandah, boys." Mum gestures out the back door, so I wander out, followed by my friends.

"Your mum's cool, man." Pete tells me as we sit down. Mikey's head is resting on his shoulder, and Brendon's hand is on my knee under the table.

"Yeah, I guess." I respond, looking past his shoulder into the kitchen.

"If she's cool with Pete and Mikey, why can't we tell her about us?" Brendon asks, a little bit too loudly.

"Us?" Pete looks between Brendon and I, grinning. "I knew there was something going on, but I didn't realise it was official." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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