Chapter 3: Truth Revealed and Let Training Begain!

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3rd prospective

After Jubei knocked Ragna out, Y/N saying some sympathetic words and Jubei cracked a smile, he then said.

Jubei: Most kids these days. No respect. Still... Ragna doesn't remember what happened.

???: There's no helping that, I'm afraid. After all, what more could one expect of a inferior manservant?

As you heard that your heart spiked of not seeing that coming! After you recovered from that, you look at the one who gave you that near heart attack. And it appears to be a girl in a black dress with a red ribbon bow tie near her neck . She has red eyes and blond hair her hair style is twin tall with the bows sticking out like rabbit ears. She also has 2 companions with her a fat, flying, red bat and a big black cat. And you get the feeling she is older than she looks.

When you looked back at jubei, he seems to also got felt the same thing as you did when she came out of no where

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When you looked back at jubei, he seems to also got felt the same thing as you did when she came out of no where.

Jubei: Goddammit Rachel. Ya scared half to death. Ya can't be doing that to an old man. Pretty soon you'll scare me all the way.

Y/N: Ya please don't, you got me too. And...Ow, when my heart spiked that actually hurt.

Rachel: If you say so, oh One-Eyed Lotus and Unknown One.

Jubei: Quit, callin' me that.

Y/N: Why call me an Unknown?

Rachel: Because when Jubei was doing his missions he told me about you, when you first met him all the way to last saw each other and It got me curious, especially 10 days ago, you remember don't you about what happened.

You stayed silent for a minute remembering all that happened that day.

Y/N: ...yes I do remember...

Rachel: Now, would you be kind to enlighten us on what happened?

Y/N: alright, it all started like any normal day.....

You then told them all the events leading up right before the one sided beat down. Their eyes widened when you mentioned Terumi. Then Jubei said in a worrying tone.

Jubei: Did he do anythin' to you?

Y/N: Only that he kick me back, and then ordered Jin to kill Ragna. After that happened, I...I snapped. When I saw my friend looked motionless, I was getting so angry at the time I didn't know but when I was getting angry the environment around me started to torn apart. The wind blew harder then they ever did thus destroying the trees, bolts of lightning came crashing down and the ground cracked and crumbled as I continued to get even angrier. And then, I yelled with powerful force that rivaled more than a thousand lions. Once I finished yelling, I felt changed as I was transformed then I hit him with a couple of powerful blows then knocked him into some trees. I felt as my energy was drained then I passed out. And that is all I can remember.

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