Chapter 2

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Oh, jeez. My head hurts so bad.

" Hi honey, finally awake?"

"Mom? What happened, I can't remember anything after seeing....OMG, is she still here?"

" Yes, I am."

" OH MY FREAKING HELL, MylifeasEva! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I actually came to chat to your parents and you."

"Wait so you randomly chose to visit...ME?"

" No, Cheryl. I actually have really important news to share."

"Oh, please call me Cherry. And have important news to tell me? Am I being sued?"

"No! Cherry! Do you watch me regually?"

"Yah. Of course. But you haven't really uploaded in a while. The last video you did was when you announced that you wouldn't be doing videos for a while because you were travelling."

"Yes. Exactly. I was travelling to come here."

"Are you serious??"

"Yes. Now why don't we go sit down, and let's dissucuss the important matter at hand. Ok?"

We heading down to the living room now, and I just cannot believe that my all time favourite youtuber (no offence Laurdiy), is in my house. My head still hurts, but now it's spinning g because I just can't handle the excitement.

"Ok, so. Your parents already know what's happening but it's time I told you. Look this is going to be hard to take in, because you would probably expect something like this to come from your parents, but I need you to listen carefully ok?"

"Ummm..... Ok?"

"Alright so, when my sister was born my mom wasn't well she had a cancer, the doctors weren't sure where the cancer was spreading from, they told her she only had a month at most  to live, but only if she didn't have the baby, but with the baby, only a few days. My mom chose to have the baby, but my dad didn't like the decision, so he packed up and left. My mom told me that when the baby was born I was to leave her at an orphanage and go. She said that when the child turned thirteen that I would find the adoptive parents and tell her that she is adopted. So I did as I was told, and we'll here I am now."

So you came all this way just to tell Me that your sister is adopted. I don't get it. I am lost."

"Oh, ok. This is going to be harder than I thought, Cherry these aren't your real parents...... and I'm your.....sister!"


"Look. I know it's a lot to take in, but we need your to understand thatus letting you know means that you have a very important decision, we need you to decide who you are going to stay with from now on."

"What? You just expect me to make a decision just like that, you do realise I just found out that my parents aren't actually my parents, and my favourite youtuber is my sister."

"Look honey, we understand this is a lot to take in, and we were shocked to when Eva called us, but it's the right thing to do. And according to your mom's contract you have to leave at thirteen."
I turn to see my adoptive mom about to cry, while my adoptive dad rubs her sholders.

"I don't think you guys get that this is literally life changing decisions for me to make. I have to leave you guys, who I know aren't my real parents but I have lived with for at least thirteen years and now I have to just decide weather to pack up and leave to join my youtube crazy sister." I can feel the sting in my eye, waiting for the tear to drop off my eyelash and my cheels turning red and burning with anger, as I listen to the three people in my living room, try to explain that this has to happen now.

"Cherry! Cherry! Hello, are you there? Hon, C'mon we know this is hard but you can't shut u...."SHUT UP! You guys all need to keep quiet, this isn't affecting you guys in anyway at all? How are you all ok with this??"

"Honey, we're not. This is hard for us too, but we knew that this day would come. When the adoption took place we knew we could loose our daughter at thirteen. But we just couldn't help but take you, we had to take the chance that we could love you for twelve years, and even if you decided to move in with Eva, that you would still visit."

"Of course I will mom, but I can't just magically make up my mind to move, or stay. I don't even know if I can pack all my things thag quickly."

"Sweetie. Tonight you just have to decide and sign a contract, you can move out within in the next month, if you do decide to go. And if you decide to stay, well then we would be happy to have you be our adoptive daughter for longer years to cone. But again this is entirely up to you. Ok?"

"Yah, ok. But do I have to decide tonight, can't I have a few days, a week?"

"We wish so, but no. The documents have to be signed on the day of confession, your mother knew this would be hard, but she obviously knew you could make the right decision. And fast."

"Hi" I hear Eva's voive echoing at the back of my head. "Look I don't mean to obviate the obvious but  I really need a decision, and fast. Cheryl I am sorry, but you have to decide NOW."

"Ok, look. I get it. I have to make a decision now, so we'll I am.....

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