Chapter 17

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We finally arrive at the party and mahn you better trust me when I tell you...IT LOOKS LIT!!             I hand the driver cash and smile a humble smile at him as I step onto the toilet papered lawn. 

Immediately my entire friend group, made up of 17 people excluding me, hug and kiss me as they usher me through to the main room where all the partying is taking place. I see Drake, Caleb, Joanah, Monica, Bria, Jaden, Priyanka and Neo. They are all dancing, drinking and smiles are spread across everyone's faces, and soon the smile stretches to me. Some of the guys are relaxing on the couch in the corner of the room smoking vapes and all kinds of crap. I decide I won't get straight away drunk, and so I decide to start dancing. My feet chop and change direction as I throw my hands into the air screaming and laughing with all my girlfriends. We dance on for probably and hour or two without stopping, and then of all things to happen. Eva's song comes on....It looks to me like my entire school seems to be huge fans of Eva.

I stop dancing and sigh apparently really loud. Because then Angie stops as well and asks, or rather screams,:
"HEY CHERRY! You good?"
"Yah! I'm good....just need some air, I'm feeling really tired.."
"Okay. Well....don't take to long or you'll miss Evas album. They're playing the whole album in your honour hehe."
"I'll try." I turn around in hopes to get put quickly as I roll my eyes to the songs continuing to play.

I am finally free. I've managed to escape hell....I'm sitting in the cellar, where surprising there is no alcohol. They must have taken it out to the party already. I sit down and sigh heavily again. I'm exhausted from squeezing through and under people to get here.
I take out my phone to check the time and only a few hours have passed. I can't go back home now. I haven't had any fun yet, hell!! I haven't even had a sniff of alcohol.
I check my calls to see if I've r cubed may from mom, but I can't get any service down here.
I walk up the stairs and decide I should just telly Amber to change the playlist...
I get to the door and realise it's locked. I hear some laughs outside and then some knocks. I realise I must have been locked down here...

"Hey!" I scream, "C'mon seriously? This is nowhere close to funny"
They don't let me out and instead laugh harder as I hear them stomp away.

It's been half an hour and my phone is about to die. I just absolutely can't handle this shizz right now.

*Creek* *click* *key turning*

"Amber?" I say as I see a tall slim shadow coming towards the stairs.

"Hey. Umm....whoever is down there...sorry about...." "OMG! CHERR! It's you??"

"Hey A. Some kids locked me down here ..... Hehehe."

"Omg! So sorry"
We hug and kiss and then we walk out of the cellar together. Amber takes me upstairs to her bedroom to charge my phone.
We laugh and talk about how funny it is that I happened to be in town when she was throwing a party. She opens the door and leads me to the corner of the room where next to her bed lay a charger and the WiFi router.
She shows me where the password is...and just as she is about to sit down next to me we both hear a crash and she rushes downstairs to make sure everything was okay.

I laugh as she runs so fast. And then I turn back to look at my phone, which now had service. I look at my call log and my mom has not called, not even once.
What the hell is her problem? Why isn't she worried. Figured though, why would she care. Right?
I go into the closet that I am certain is where Amber keeps all her crap locked up in, I'm sure there is probably a bunch of illegal stuff in there too. I laugh subtlety when all the passwords she has on the doors are all the same as they were when we had just become friends. I grab out a bottle of wine and just as I am about to pop open the lid, my mom phones.

Should I answer? - I ask myslef, maybe I shoudlnt! Maybe I should stress her out and make her call the police. And if she does find me and try to take me home, Ill run! She's not my mom!!
I can't .
I won't.
Not to her.

"Hey...." I start to answer
"Cheryl! Look I didn't want to come into your room to disturb you becuase I figured you'd probably want to be alone for the time being. So I made dinner, roast beef and spaghetti, and I wanted to if you'd like to come get it. Or should I bring it up there...?"

I hang up the phone. My lips are dry now...screw her!

I say in my head

I grab the bottle and head outside! I'm done with this night.

Hey all! Don't know whats going on. I feel like I have writers block!

Share some advice on the book (And life ;) )

Love Aaliyah

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