Chapter 15

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"Eva said that she is your sister because her mother is your real mother, which is true. But Eva isn't your biological sister, ummm.....she....well.....she's actually my daughter."


"Honey! I'm so sorry we didn't tell you before. "

Mom hugs me and I cry harder into her arms, WTH was going on???

"Mom, mom....Eva's mom? ..."

"Honey..c'mon don't do this.."

"Please explain how the flipping hell all of this got so messed up, and what the hell all this has to do with me ending up in hospital."

"Okay, but we going to need some time. Actually no. A lot of time. C'mon let's go inside, okay?"


"Eva, would you mind if we used a room to speak. Cheryl and I have a few things to discuss. We are going to be a while though, he he. So if you want to go somewhere, feel welcome. Okay?"

"Actually....You know what? You guys can have the house because Brent just texted me and said they having trouble filming the video, so he wants help. I'm going to go head over there now."

"Okay, perfect thanks!"

Eva leaves after grabbing her coat and laptop bag, which she seemed to have been packing before we came in, she waves a small goodbye and then goes out.

Mom brings my hand gently behind her as she walks towards the couches to sit down.  She takes a seat onto the couch across the T.V and pulls her knees to her chin as she strokes her hands through her silk black hair.

"Alright now that we both ready, let's start.      He he where do I start?"

Mom clicks her neck around in a circular motion and then finally starts to explain.

"Okay. So. When you were born, from your biological mother, I had the bed next to her and every night before your birth I would hear her scream and cry about head pains. I would get really irritated at this and, well so being the person that I am, I went to go and ask her if everything was okay, and that she was disturbing the rest of the patients in the room. Basically after that we began talking and soon we were a two member support group for each other. It felt really good. Then one day she was rushed into an emergency operation room, for a seizure. Your dad,....myself and ummm....I don't know what to call him, so we going to just say your 'Dad'. Okay?                                                                                                                                                                                 Anyway, the two of us were waiting in my room with anticipation because we were like really worried for her. So..."

"Wait, mom. Why were you in the hospital?" I say, slightly confused.

"Oh. Shoot, didn't tell you...hehe sorry Hun. Umm. Yah so I was there because well, when I had given birth to Eva."  Mom says. I make a weird face at hearing that she gave birth to Eva. "Well. When she was born things didn't go to smooth and I ended up catching an infection. I was attending special treatment during this time.                                                                                      Yah so back to where I was, your dad and I were waiting in the room for her and then she got rolled in by a wheelchair carrying you in her hands. She was crying as she kissed your drained forehead and the nurses consoled her.  I walked up to her and hugged her tightly.                                                  The two of us spent everyday that we could, together. And after about 3 or 4 days she finally explained to me that you had been born with a deficiency because she couldn't afford to feed you properly when she was still pregnant,and the only reason she was able to be in this private hospital was because of her brother. She said that the doctor had told her about a medical agreement where she could ask someone to look after her child for a while, until she decided that she wanted the child back. So after probably hours upon hours of sitting through paperwork, we eventually decided that I would take you into my home and that Eva would go with your mother. "

"WTH!" I screamed really loudly, and began crying loudly.

OMG! So excited that this chapter is done. And the next ones are going to be even better (God willing) Thanks for all the support :) Means so much.

Love Aaliyah                                                                                                                                                                  Mwaa

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