Chapter 10

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Lauren comes back from the filming room and slumps onto the couch next to Eva.

"OMG! That was such a productive video" Lauren says.

"Good Job!" Eva replies laughing, " I actually never got any work done today, hahaha."

They both start laughing and I smile too. It felt so odd just relaxing on LaurDIY's couch and just chilling there. AHHH

It was amazing to be around them. They were so natural and and just so real, it was like I was sitting with my two best friends and would not be anywhere else.

We continue to watch movies and we all chat and laugh, then I decide I need the bathroom. Lauren so nicely shows me where the bathroom is and when I walk in it smells like lavender bath bombs. I take out my phone and take some selfies and as I am about to snapchat it to everyone I realise I can't, so man that sucks. I slip my phone back into my pocket and and finish up in the bathroom.

As I start washing my hands I start feeling dizzy, my heart starts racing and my body fills  with sweat. I am not sure wha....ts.....going.....o....n but......

*Wee - oh* Wee - oh*

I wake up to the sound of sirens all over, and my head feels like its about to burst. My heart starts pounding as I see Lauren and Eva starring worriedly at me. I try to speak and ask what happened, but no words come out. It feels as though my mouth has been ripped from me and I can no longer feel and sense in that area.

I soon realise that it is because my mouth has been covered with an oxygen mask and the rest of my body has been strapped to a board. I was scared, afraid and worried by all the thoughts running through my head. I couldn't fathom what was going on and it made me scared.  My heart racing and my body twitching, all I could think about was how simple life would have been if I was still at home. Where I wish I was right now....

We arrive at what I assume was a hospital, and just when I think they are going to unstrap me from where I felt like I was being put on a torture bed to be messed up with, they drag the bed out of the van and up the ramp as they run through the hospital.

People move out of the way and in all directions as thew people dragging me raise their voices to warn people that they coming through.

We reach an area with a table, which looks like  a reception  area, and people with clipboards and masks, and others with scrubs on, and some with nursing outfits surround the area. Then all of a sudden I feel my bed being dragged agiain, but this time by the woman in scrubs. And thet drag me into a room closed by two doors. They then set me onto a table, put another mask over my face and then...

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