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Highschool is supposed to be so much fun but mine is a very different story . when you have a mother who doesn't let you out of the house except to school and church you will have no option than to stick yourself at home. I made no attempt to sneak out knowing there was no place of fun to go to or maybe I was not interested in finding out.

I lived in Wetfield which could have been called rainfield in order to describe it better. It has almost twelve months of rainfall except for a short break midway into the year. I am not complaining because that is just what my skin needs. I was born with a very weird skin that prefers cold weather and any atom of excess heat will cause a serious sun burn.

I had only three people in my life, my dad, my mum, and my best friend.My friend and I knew there was no friendship as weird as ours noting the fact that both of us shared different ideas about virtually everything.

I don't believe in past life not because I think it doesn't exist but because I don't want to believe the girl in my dreams was me. My dreams were like living in three centuries ago with a particular guy whose name was Raymond.

Everytime I dream of him there is always this feeling of fear, pain, agony and love. There was never a day I would wake from my dreams without a puzzle to solve. And the truth is I have never solved any.

Please don't stop reading. I know you will love its coming chapters. Thanks for reading. I love you.


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