chapter 7

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*Tracy's POV*

My car suddenly came to a stop. I got down feeling terrible. I opened the bonnet unsure of what to touch and what not to touch. I stared a complete illiterate to anything that has to do with car apart from being able to drive.

I almost closed the bonnet against my hand in annoyance and that would have been an experience I was never going to forget if I had not pulled my hand few inches away. I was totally frustrated and blamed myself for my present situation.

I was in the middle of nowhere scared without my cellphone, unsure of where I was. Confused on what to do. I could return home but how was I supposed to do that. I could keep walking to wards his house but I could loose my way.

All the confidence I had few minutes ago was all lost. I suddenly felt lost and depressed. No one was going to come to my rescue, I was lost in the woods with no food and no one was aware of where I was.

"Somebody save me!" I screamed almost losing my voice. As I moved closer to my car the door flew open hitting me hard on the abdomen. I fell on my back in confusion. What just happened? It was like playing a computer game. I was badly hurt and remained on the floor unable to move my legs.

I realized I was crying when I tasted the salty taste of my tears. "Why do I have to be the clumsy one?" I cried out. "Why do I always have to make stupid decisions and get myself into trouble?" I sobbed shaking violently.

Things was getting worse I could not rise up, how was I going to find help. I struggled to sit down with so much effort that I would never forget in my life time. My arse was literally on fire when I sat down.

I stared around for a while, everything around was green except for the shiny black colour of the road, and my little white Toyota Corolla, trees all around. I closed my eyes to comprehend the sounds I could hear, sounds of forest insects and birds. I was lost in the woods.

I started crying again after I comprehending the situation I was in. "I am lost in the woods," I shouted letting the tears run down my cheeks freely with my head raised as the cold breeze that blew dried the tears as they kept flowing.

I looked at my wristwatch, it was almost five pm. I opened my eyes, I could not see the sun. I knew anytime soon, there will be a heavy down pour of water from the heavens. I will have to remain in the woods until my mother can report the case to the police, and that's in more than forty hours time.

I have never spent twelve hours away from home but with the situation I was in, I was going to remain out here, away from my mother for more than fourty hours.

I thought of mother, she had succeeded in training me to be her perfect daughter for the past years and I have never for once thought of disobeying her not to talk of carrying out the deed. I was placing her in a very difficult situation. I knew she would blame Winnie for everything.

"Mum I'm sorry. Please don't blame Winnie, it's all my fault," I continued sobbing miserably.

During my funeral, only my mother, my father and Winnie will sincerely mourn me. Those church members and schoolmates did not know me well enough to mourn me, few teachers will remember that intelligent girl and shake their heads. I was popular academically. Lots of girls will be happy that their fear was gone, at least their boyfriend won't have anyone to steal glances at.

I started shaking my head furiously, I was not going to die with nobody to mourn me. No, that was not going to happen, I needed more people to cry during my funeral and that meant it was not my time to die.

The pain I felt suddenly became insignificant as I struggled up holding my waist like a woman in labour. I got to my car and sat inside, it was better than lying outside on the cold road. I turned on the heater and the radio.

In case of an emergency, I left the doors unlocked and dosed off to ease the pain I felt on my waist.

I dreamt of my funeral, I dreamt of my death, I died alone in my car with no love and no one to attend my funeral. Those that were invited refused to go because they did not know me. It was a nightmare very sad and scary.

I felt someone's presence and slowly opened my eyes. The back door was open, I turned around but saw no one. I felt a strong grip on my shoulder pressing me against the chair. I made an attempt to scream but a hand pressed my nose and mouth making it unable for me to breathe.

I struggled with those hands but made no progress. I scratched, pushed, pulled with all effort until I could try no more. I stopped, submitting to the strength of whoever it was.

I could not make out who it was and what the person wanted but it had to be a man with strong muscles. My mind could not work properly. The grip on my mouth tighten and I passed out.

Thanks for reading
I love you.

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