chapter 18

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"Dre's POV"
I quickly slide my hand under her head before it could hit the floor. The bond was getting stronger and was only going to hurt her. If she was my soul mate's reincarnate, then she had to have the same fragile body Elizabeth had.

Her scent filled me it was considerably easy to ignore due to her present state. I could easily ask her to donate blood to me if I was really thirsty for it but I knew tasting it was only going to create a deja vú.

It was obvious she had stopped breathing and needed immediate attention. I ordered the confused Marissa to call an ambulance which she did with shaky hands. I needed more space I carried her to the spacious corridor quick enough to get her breathing with lots of effort.

As soon as I noticed she was stable, I left her with all the spectators, her best friend, and the coming ambulance and went off to find Leah. Only Leah had that ability to create such acursed bond between Tracy and I. My family wanted to make sure that I don't repeat my past mistake but they were hurting the poor girl and I was too attracted to her to keep my distance.

I grabbed Leah's hand roughly and pulled her from her seat not caring about the prescence of the teacher and the gasping audience. I pulled her out dragging her carelessly. I knew she knew her offence or she would've protested. I threw her against the wall of the empty school hall.

"Break the bond," I ordered my voice echoing loud. "You almost killed her," I informed her trying to keep myself under strict control.

"No," she objected fearlessly staring into my eyes. "You almost did," she accused destroying my self control.

I hit her across her cheek. I wanted to kill her along with her stupid bond.

"Dre, stop it," I heard my son order standing behind behind us his hands in the pocket of his black jeans. That was rude, he must really think he has control over the situation, I desperately wanted to hit him.

I turned to hit him too but Leah stopped me with a grip on my wrist. I raised her by the neck and threw her across the hall. Her body made a thunderous sound when she hit the wall and fell on the floor shaking the whole building.

"This is why I can't break the bond," she said standing up and cleaned her body before running out. I made no attempt to stop her but ran out myself. I was losing myself, something I never did.

* * *
My family members were all waiting when I got downstairs. I chose a sofa far from them all positioned against the wall. I had intentionally waited till I was late -there were many faster ways I could get downstairs apart from using the stairs.

It took me missing all the classes I had left to get my head calm. I had seen to the safety of my wife's reincarnate. She was in a really bad shape which was also caused with the fact that I was close to her even in that state. My uncle was in charge of her case and all I had to do was wait for him to see and comprehend the cause of her weakness which he did.

I had watched from the end of the corridor as he pulled out his cellphone like a human and he spoke to Leah to break the bond. They were loosing her and once she dies, she dies. Being close had to make the situation serious and knocking out her family's doctor in order to make him absent was another thing.

"I took care of the CCTV you two don't have a problem with that," my son said proudly as though he was under so much stress taking care of us. That pride and lack of respect he had almost made me wish I had not made him one of us at times.

"And who asked you to?" Leah attacked him obviously irritated but not as much as I was, she was not his father after all.

"I always have to clean up your dirt," he said respect an eternity away from him. "They checking their building now, wondering how much damage the earth tremor caused." He relaxed on the armchair with an everything-is-taken-care-of look.

"You should have something to say to me," I changed everyone's attention with so much effort as much as I wanted give my son a punch in the gut.

Everyone stared at me as though I was insane. "Who are you talking to and what do you mean?" My uncle asked sternly.

I respected my uncle alot unlike my very disrespectful son. I sobered up my chin touching my chest. I never knew that the meeting I thought would end up having Leah punished will turn to my punishment.

"Why will you have to put that girl's life in danger if you really care about her safety?," my uncle asked calmly.

"Leah started it all," I pointed fingers at her. "She wanted to kill her not me," I tried lamely to justify my point.

"I was only trying to protect us from the prophecy," Leah said clamly she was the hero trying to turn me into some sort of villian.

That really pissed me off. She had not been given birth to when the prophecy was made so why would she try to make a big deal over something she only heard. "Protect us?" I asked laughing sarcastically which was totally against my personality, I was someone who never really laughs. Perhaps I had to laugh to hold myself from hurting her again.

My uncle seemed to see through my laughter and decided to take over. "Do you want a deja vu?" My uncle asked reminding me of the past I fear most. Losing my wife, the mother of my son and the love of my life. The laughter swiftly faded both anger and pain took over.

If my uncle was in support of Leah and her bond, there was nothing I could do to save Elizabeth. I had lost her once but I was not going to do lose her once again. I would have to fight for her although doing it aggressively won't be the best option, it would only make me lose to my family. I would only have to persuade them that she was not their enemy or perhaps even make the prophecy unbelievable.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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