chapter 9

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*Dre's POV*
Everyone was angry with me, David, Leah, Becky, Stanley, my uncle, and his wife. They called me to the living room for a family meeting, something we rarely do. I suspected what was up. I had prevented my uncle from killing Elizabeth and the prophecy along with her.

I had found her lying on the ground whining like a little kid. There was no way Elizabeth could do that. Elizabeth died a woman not a little highschool student who still whined and cried.

I hurriedly pulled a singlet down my head and went downstairs for the meeting. They were angry, it showed in all their body movements. None of them was a match for me but if they all come against me, I wasn't going to survive it without getting badly injured.

I sat down away from them on an armchair ready for anything that could come from six angry vampires. "So, what is the meeting about?" I asked fearlessly.

"I bet you know," my son attacked me hastily. "Why did you stop him from killing her?" He almost roared at me his eyes burning red.

As I always did, I ignored his disrespect. "Ask him why he could not kill her?" I gestured towards my uncle and relaxed on the chair.

My son moved his gaze to my uncle wearing a questioning look and back to me with confidence. "You stopped him," he answered confidently.

I was getting angry, why did my son hate his mother so much to kill a girl that looked like the mother he had never seen? "You know nothing about her, why are you all so interested in killing her?" I finally spoke out my thoughts.

"Because she is a threat to our existence," Leah gave me an intelligent answer.

"But do you know her? Do you know what she looks like?" I asked unshaken by her answer.

"I know her," my uncle and his wife chorused both glaring at me.

"I read your mind and feelings of her when you stared at her in the cafeteria," Stanley reminded me.

"You still have a painting of her," Becky chipped in.

I ignored them all and proceeded with my act of persuasion. "Why didn't you kill her? Why did you remain there watching her, unable to end the life of the girl who was bringing damnation upon us? Why didn't you stop me from taking her back home? Why did you watch me do all those things but did nothing?" I glared back.

My uncle ignored my question and avoided my gaze.

"You saw it, didn't you?" I asked. "You saw a girl not my wife. You saw a girl who had a crush on me and you couldn't hurt her because you knew she was innocent. I saved you from some crime that would have made everyone scared of us. I am the hero here. I saved us all and that little girl." I got up and stretched.

My son turned to Leah and whispered. He forgot no one could whisper where I was or he knew and wanted me to hear. "He is supporting her because he is in love with her," I could hear him as clear as a normal speech.

Maybe he was right, I was in love with the beautiful girl that looked just like my late wife. I ran my fingers through my long black hair and smiled. "I guess that is one reason why you should all stay away from her," I warned shaking a finger at my son.

"This is not a joke," my uncle reminded us.

"Let me make this clear to you all," I said sitting down once again. "When Elizabeth returns, who will she want to see first?" I directed my question to my uncle's wife.

"I don't know," she answered brusquely looking away.

"Reading a woman's mind, she will want to see what her son have grown into. He is the reason why she is ever going to return so, she will definitely find him first," I guessed with confidence.

They nodded in agreement and the meeting ended when I stood up. As I took the steps upstairs, all I could think about was Elizabeth. This new Elizabeth was also beautiful but girlish. I remembered when I first met Elizabeth, she was only fifteen and we became friends.

Our friendship had lasted for two years before I decided to marry her. We were really happy then until I broke a vow. She had loved me even till death. She did all she did to help me get out of the bondage she said we were.

She knew there was no way I could stop living the sort of life I had lived for past centuries with my family. We were only three when we headed out, my uncle, his wife and I. Our number increased after her death.

It took me less than a decade to fight the feelings of always wanting to taste blood before I met Elizabeth but it took my little family more than six decades to train our new family members how to fight that feeling. We had lived together for the past two centuries as vegetarians.

We travelled alot moving from one place to another scared that people might find out who we were. Civilization made things much easier for us, when we get so hungry for human blood, we would buy blood bags.

No one was going to discover who we were even if I made friends with my new crush. I knew alot about her and knew just how to get to her.

I smiled at my ever handsome face and my perfect pale body on the mirror. There was no way she was not going to fall for me.

I closed my eyes letting the memories of my wife flood my mind. Lots of happy memories but I felt my body shake furiously as I touched somewhere delicate, somewhere I have tried hard to lock up.

My hands holding her waist to my body, my mouth finding it's way to her beautiful neck. I felt my fangs tear through her precious skin and the taste of her sweet blood on my tongue. I was not letting go, she struggled but I kept her bottled in my arms as I kept sucking.

What stopped me from killing her was the cry of our baby on its bed. I ran out crying, my hands on my mouth, regrets that could make no difference. I had hurt the love of my life and the mother of my son. I opened my eyes, my fangs were out the hunger I had for that same scent of blood will never seize mainly when I could feel it close. One day, I will repeat that same mistake to the new Elizabeth.

I was a monster and that was never going to change.

This chapter is boring but trust me others will be better, don't stop reading.
Thanks for reading
Lots of love.

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