chapter 17

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As expected, she was waiting in the living room when I got inside my house. I had prepared a good speech for my situation. The look in her eyes were not strange but they always baffled me. Her forehead was wrinkled in interest but had annoyance slightly getting obvious in her tightly held lips.

"So, what's up?" my mother asked her hands akimbo on her slim beauty waist.

"Nothing?" I answered unable to pick the right thing to say completely forgetting my planned speech. "I had fainted in school, he helped me to the sickbay. He only came to find out how I was doing."

Her mouth opened wide. "What? Are you okay?" she asked placing her hand on my forehead head looking all over me to find anything wrong. "I'll get my keys you need to see a doctor," she announced restlessly running upstairs.

I had not planned to tell her but to prevent her from being suspicious, I had to hit the nail on it's head. She returned downstairs pulling me out with her. The last thing I wanted was to see a doctor. I might have to tell him about my dreams and the whole secret. Telling the doctor will be equal to telling my mother.

My family doctor was my mother's childhood friend but the only thing that kept them in contact with each other now was the fact that he was the family's doctor. He was a tall slim man with a bald hair and a deep voice much deeper for his frame. He was always wore a bright encouraging smile.

My mother narrated everything to him and I was asked to do some medical tests. Nothing showed in the tests I was perfectly okay. That made me panic. If I was diagnosed with a sickness, it would have been pleasant to my ear although a burden in my mother's heart.

Fainting without a cause, that was not psychological. I would never believe that, it had something to do with him. It was all connected to Raymond but was that supposed to mean it won't stop?


My mother asked me to rest at home for a few days but I refused. I was not physically sick. I needed to keep myself busy with school work and having Winnie around will be lot more soothing.

Everytime I get so close to Raymond, there was always this feeling of a throbbing pain in my head. I tried avoiding him on the corridor but it seemed he was bent on talking to me. I stopped and offered him my most beautiful fake smile.

He nodded returning my smile. "Are you okay?" He asked placing the back of his hand on my forehead which I brushed off as the pain surfaced. "Oh, sorry," he apologized immediately pulling away his hand and held it in the other as if restraining himself. "I'll see you later okay?" He asked before walking into his class.

Winnie tapped my shoulder from behind and cleared her throat. I patted her shoulder when I noticed the teasing look in her eyes and escaped to the ladies room. I wanted to throw up, my head felt light and that familiar feeling of dizziness returned. The feeling I got to know after meeting Raymond or Dre what ever his name was.

I ran the tap in the basin and splashed cold water on my face messing up the light make up of powder and lip gloss I wore. I took out my handkerchief and did justice to what was left. Staying without makeup was better than wearing a messed up look.

I had to find out what's wrong, all the time that I felt strange was with Raymond around and it seemed to increase as I got closer to him. I heard the door swing open and Marissa, Alex's girlfriend entered I felt like I was going to vomit blood.

I quickly packed my things and tried to escape, I was guilty of letting her boyfriend hug me and that was punishable by death. She was a beauty and I was not considered a potential opponent but yesterday's event was good enough to steer up trouble.

She stopped me with a firm grip on my wrist, I could not help but wonder how a girl so sexy and soft looking like her would be so strong. She pushed me against the wall accelerating the throbbing in my head. My vision slowly became blur.

I've been fragile ever since I was given birth but I stood out and bullying was far from me. Marissa was a well known bully since kindergarten but she stayed away from me and Winnie. I protected Winnie and I wisely. I was never a target for their trouble and they wore a look of respect when dealing with me or Winnie.

"You bitch, I thought you were someone better. I'm disappointed. Why will you try seduce my boyfriend," she asked fire almost literally burning in her eyes.

I was not losing the self respect I spent all my life building knowing I was no fighter. "Ask your boyfriend. I'm in no position to answer that I'm not a bitch and I have nothing to benefit from your boyfriend. We just happened to become friends. I am not guilty of what you accuse me of," I narrated forgetting to breathe. I was gentle and sincere but I was not scared neither did I act scared that was what kept me strong for years.

She scoffed not willing to believe me. "You think I'll believe all those smart bullshit and keep being decieved?" She asked moving close to me hatred vibrating from her body. I watched her raise her hand and hit me across my left cheeks.

I wanted to die, I doubt I was going to keeping living, it felt like my head had exploded. That marked the first time, the first time in my entire life I got hit by someone or something on my face. She seemed to be shocked and took a step back while I launched forward as though I was going to tire her apart but I doubt that was what scared her.

I glanced at the mirror, I could not assimilate what I saw. I was white as ghost, I looked like a nightmare so scary. My legs gave way, they were too tired to keep carrying my weak heavy body and I slowly slacked down.

I was scared unlike the first time I passed out, this seemed to be death. No nightmare, it was dark and quiet, suddenly cold. I wanted to cry out to my mother or Winnie, perhaps Raymond or even Marissa. I needed someone desperately, I needed help.

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