chapter 13

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I slowly opened my eyes to see Winnie staring at me. I closed it and repeat the same process. I tried to sit down but got prevented by a firm hand on my shoulder.

"It's best for you to rest alittle," a male voice adviced. I blinked in disbelief. I thought I was still in my dreams being chased by this same very good looking guy. I suffered a mini heart attack and could not think properly. "What?!" I shouted unable to shut my mouth.

"Uh?" Winnie asked supporting me as I tried to sit down. "Are you sure you are okay? This is the second time, I think you should see a doctor," she advised softly with so much concern.

"Hey, I'm fine the question is, what is he doing here?" I whispered suspiciously eyeing him.

She eyed him with the corner of her eyes and gave me a fetish smile. "He carried you here, you should be grateful," she informed me.

"No way," I almost yelled wide-eyed. I glanced at him, he was staring outside, it was obvious he didn't hear me. "I can't believe it, you should have carried me yourself. I hate being indept. I can't repay his kindness."

"That was to apologise," he interrupted our conversation. This time I felt myself go stiff, all the time I had thought he was not listening. He left the window and stood beside my bed. "Sorry about the coffee."

Winnie wriggled her brow, she smiled and left us in a hurry. "I . . .," I started unsure of what to say. "I . . . I . . . I am also sorry about the coffee." I knew that was foolish, I had no idea why I had apologized.

"I hope we become friends in the future," I heard him say. That most have been my ear not what he said. "I mean it, I should have apologized first as a gentleman. I sincerely apologise and hope we get familiar in the future," his smile broadened as though reading my thoughts.

I nodded slowly swallowing a lump. I have never been alone with a guy, there was this weird feeling, the air was heavy and gave much trouble to breathe. I wondered why he suddenly became nice.

He held my shoulder supporting me as I got down from the bed. Those hands were cold, cold unlike those I felt when I passed out and cold like those I felt in my dream. My dream flashed through my mind causing me to shiver.

He released me impulsively and took four careful but swift steps backwards. He gave me a quick smile and left the room. I knew Winnie was right. They were all weird. That mood swing was too sudden. I wondered what must have pissed him off.

Winnie met me on the corridor when school closed for that day. She was with my bag and books. "So how did it go?" She asked holding my hands possessively. She looked like a mother of five talking to her grown up sixteen year old.

I could not help but laugh. She gave me this suprised questioning look that stopped me instantly. "Well, what do you think will happen?" I asked absent mindedly. My mind traveled back to the sickbay, to the feel of his cold hands on my shoulders.

Thinking of those hands, I knew I was definitely falling in love with him and coupled with his apology that created a better imagine of him making his afterward reaction less significant. He had to be different from the guy in my dreams.

". . . Alfred got suspended for a week . . ." I heard her inform me between my thoughts. "He got caught for leaving school. I believe you know why he left."

I nodded still distant. "I will check on him later," I replied thoughtlessly.

"Seriously?" She faced me looking deep into my eyes excitedly. " I can't believe you will visit a boy," she teased dragging me back to reality.

I shook my head sharply. "No way. I didn't mean it," I alerted briskly. "You know I won't," I reminded her.

"Who cares? This is different. You will visit him and thank him for his kindness and don't forget to sympathise," she lectured.

"Did his mother die?" I asked innocently. Her mouth widened along with her eyes, I felt she most have been confused. "You said I should sympathise," I had to remind her.

"Tsk tsk tsk." She shook her head pissed off. "He got suspended because he went to get you a new shirt. Are you really going to repay his kindness by this attitude?" She released my hand. "You must be very sick," she observed and I nodded in agreement.

"I will check on him anytime I'm free. I will find a way to persuade my mother," I reconsidered. Dealing with my mother to let me visit a guy will take years. My mother was my only excuse.

"Are you really going to do this?" She asked unable to hide her irritation. "Don't use your mother as an excuse, it's not proper. Imagine how happy he will be to have you pay him a visit. At least you won't be in debt for his kindness."

That was making sense. I won't feel indebted forever after the visit. "Are you going to come with me?" I asked hopefully.

She shook her head furiously trying not to think of it. I pulled her closer to me. "I know you like him, that's an excuse to be around him right?" I asked hoping she falls for that.

"No way. I am shy around him and besides you just became his friend. Strengthen the friendship and I will become his friend that makes it easier right?" She wiggled her brow in her usual funny way.

I forced out a smile but it disappeared instantly when I came in eye contact with Dre. He was glaring with clinched teeth and that was scary. I held Winnie tighter causing her to wince.

In movies they will call that jealousy but what was I going to call his? He could have heard our conversation. My heart skipped and raced fast, I wondered why I felt a wave of guilt flush down my spine.

Why was he still glaring was he interested in me?

Thanks for reading.
I love you, I really do appreciate it. Take care, keep reading, vote, comment, tell me my mistakes, I don't mind.

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