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**alarm clock***
Y(you): "ugh, what the hell"
You sit up on your bed and rub your eyes
" first day at work, yay!" You say sarcastically, you check your phone and its 5:30 am. Work starts at 6.
"Shit" you say to yourself. You get up from your bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower, you turn on the hot water and while it was on, you went to put a hot pocket in the microwave so it was ready for when you were done. You then run to the bathroom and take a quick shower. You get out of the shower and you tie a towel around you and you run to the closet looking for your uniform. (Black pants, and light blue button shirt) you quickly change and you put your hair into a messy bun as you run to the microwave. You get the hot pocket and your phone on the way out and rush to your car. You get in and drive at the speed limit until you arrived. You get out of the car and check your phone. *5:56*
"Hell yeah just in time!" You laugh to yourself. You enter the building. You work at a rehabilitation hospital, you didn't know who your patient will be. You reach the front desk and say...
"Hey, good morning, I'm y/n and i don't know who im assisting" you tell Alice, the secretary.
A: "oh hello ms. You are going to be taking care of linda" she says as she points to a blond old lady on the back.
"Oh, thank you Alice!" You say
"No problem" she answered with a smile
You walk across the lunch tables over to linda, giving her a warm smile. "Hey linda, im going to be assisting you from now on!"
L: "thank you ms. I don't need much help now im on my lunch" she said giving you a smile
Y: "ok, tell me if you need anything" you said and she nodded. You take out your phone to text your friend Ashley, but as soon as you took it out, two security guards walk in with what seems like a patient. He had handcuffs on, and had a very strong look. They walked in and the guy looked up at you, you look at your phone quickly to avoid eye contact. He noticed you were avoiding him and looked at the floor. They took off his handcuffs and let him sit on the last table across the room. They gave him food and he started eating, not looking up. When he was done he looked ppover at you again, he took you by surprise and you couldn't avoid eye contact, he looked at you strongly, very attentive. He seemed about your age(16). You couldn't lie, he was actually really good looking. He then looked back to face one of the guards and told him something. The guard nods and walks to the front desk. The guy was still looking at you and you felt really weird. You then feel someone touching your shoulder, it was Alice.
"Hey y/n!, so what happened is that you are not attending linda anymore, you are going to help zach"
"Zach?" You thought. "The boy on the very end" she said with a worried face. "Why such a sudden change?" You ask. "He wants you to help him"
You look at Alice confused. "Good luck" she says walking away...

dangerous- zach herron imagineWhere stories live. Discover now