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You look at the guard, he didn't say anything and walked over to zach. He put his handcuffs back on and walked him towards you. You were really scared, everyone moved out of the way when he walked close to them. They got closer and closer until they were right in front of you. "This way ms." Said the guard, and you followed. You started to panic and your hands were sweating from how nervous you were. You all walked through the main hallway in silence, you got to the end of the hallway and the guard put his finger print on a screen as a huge metal door opened. "Here we are ms.," he said as he took off zach's handcuffs pushing him inside. "Do i g-" before you could finish your question he pushes you inside the room and closes the door. "HEY, WHY DO YOU LOCK THE DOOR?" You scream while kicking the door. You kept yelling at the guard but he didn't reply. You had no choice but to turn around, you look behind you and see zach sitting in his bed playing with a knife. You back up until you hit the wall with your back. He looked up at you with no expression and stood up still holding the knife. You pushed yourself against the wall every time he took a step. You close your eyes, knowing that he was right in front of you. "Don't hurt me please" you say almost whispering. He didn't answer, you could only hear his breathing. You slowly opened your eyes, zach was right in front of you looking at the ground.
"Why would i hurt you?" He whispered. "I don't know, you were handcuffed and you are in a high security room holding a knife" you say insecure. He looked up and looked at you. "DO YOU THINK I LIKE BEING IN HERE?" He yelled. "No, i d-" he interrupted you. "EVERYONE THINKS THE SAME OF ME, THEY ALWAYS GET SCARED"he was getting really red, his veins were popping out. He turned around and punched the wall, "im tired of the same shit" he said. We stayed in silence for about 5 min. Until i spoke "why me?"i asked
"what?"he responded.
"Why did you choose me?"
"I don't know, i just knew you were the right one"
"I don't know I've never felt this way before"
"What way?"
"I saw you and i knew i wanted you in my life"
The curious thing was that he didn't show any expressions or tone while saying it, like if he was reading something without understanding the concept.
"Love at first sight huh" you said in a sarcastic tone.
"Never, i have never experienced that in my life, that love thing is bullshit" he demanded.
"I bet you have!" You replied, trying to cheer him up.
had a tragic past to be in this condition. He had really bad anger problems. He started breathing heavily. "GET THE FUCK OUT, BEFORE I HURT YOU TOO" he screamed, but this time in a worried tone. The guard quickly unlocked the door and let you out closing the door behind you.

Authors' note: this part was bad tbh but its 3 am hahaa so stay tuned!!

dangerous- zach herron imagineWhere stories live. Discover now