What is love?

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Zach then looked down as he always does. You were still shocked by his words, he had finally opened up about his feelings. He interrupted your daydream...
Z: "i don't know what this feeling is, I've e never felt this close to someone, I've never felt this confident with someone, I've never been so thankful for someone. Everyone had always been ignorant with me, they judge me by my past. Everyone thinks im a problem, that im dangerous, that i have to be trapped inside here for the rest of my life. Everyone runs away from me, no one even makes eye contact with me. Everyone is always afraid, like im a monster or mutant. But you, you are different. You never judge me, you are not afraid of me, you don't think im dangerous. You have helped me, even after i messed up. You are the first person that has smiled to me since i landed here. You believe in me, you believe that i can change. I've never had someone like you in my life, besides my mom..., i have this feeling that i need you in my life. I don't feel it i know it. And i don't understand w—"
You interrupted him by gently putting your hand on his cheek, you lifted his head so he could be looking at you. His eyes were red, like he was about to cry, you knew Zach was special, nobody had ever expressed their feelings like that to you.
He looked deep into your eyes as you stared at his. He was so perfect, he is such a sweet boy with a tragic pass that tortures him.
Y: "i think i know what you are feeling..."
Z: "really?" He said quietly
Y: "yes." You reply
You lift up his chin and you look deep into his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes again, you lean in and you kiss him gently on his soft pink lips. He didn't move at all, nor did he kiss back. You pulled away thinking you messed everything up. He looked down.
Y: "im so sorry, i didn't mean t—"
He suddenly presses his lips against yours, you were taken by surprise, but you soon kiss back. He kissed you passionately but gently. You slowly pull away from the kiss and so does he.
Y: "it's called love."

dangerous- zach herron imagineWhere stories live. Discover now