I love you

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Z: " love?"
Y: " love is when you really care about someone and would do anything for that person"
Z: " I've only loved two people in my life then"
Y: "only two?!"
Z: "yes, my mom and... you..."
He looked down at the floor, he must really miss his mom, she was probably the only one that understood him.
Z: " and one of those two people I love it's gone forever, just because of a stupid man"
Y: " Zach I'm so sorry about that..."
Z: " its alright, she is in a better place now, where she doesn't have to suffer."
Tears start falling down his eyes leaving water drops on the floor. You get closer to him and you pull him into a warm hug.
Y: " she is, and I assure you that she would be proud of how amazing you are" I say rubbing his back.
Z: "why would she be proud of a psychopath?! I am here for a reason!"
Y: "you are a good boy Zach, I know it, and I'm not leaving this place until you leave with me" I said confidently.
Z: "thank you y/n..."
Then the speakers turned on and you heard a voice say: "it's time for lunch, patients and helpers please report to the cafeteria at this time".
You stand up and Zach does too, you put your key on the door and open it
Z: "y/n wait!!"
Y: "whats wrong?"
Z: "i need my handcuffs"
Y: "you don't need them Zach, trust me nothing bad is going to happen, I'm not letting it happen ok?"
Z: "ok"  he said nervously
You walk Zach through the famous hallway in silence until you reach the cafeteria where everyone looked shocked. " here let's get this table, I'm going to get our plates ok?" You say.
"Ok" Zach responded
You walk over to the food bar and get two plates with two slices of pizza each and a cup of orange juice for each of you. As you walk by the front desk Alice calls your name.
" hey y/n!" Said Alice
"Oh, hey Alice" you reply happily
" why isn't Zach wearing his handcuffs? She asked in a bossy but yet nice tone.
"He is ok trust me, he is not going to cause any problems" you stated
"Alright then" she said insecure. You walk back to the table and sit next to Zach handing him his plate. "Thanks" he said.
"No problem" you respond. You both start eating and then someone came in, you and Zach look up. It was the same guy that was harassing you in the morning. He walked over to your table, that was the last thing you wanted him to do. Zach doesn't like him at all and that's a problem. "Hello sweetheart, wanna continue on what we left off before this psycho interrupted us?
"Please just leave, nothing is going to happen between us" you say calmly eating your food. Zach didn't say anything. "Come on baby, you know you want me" he said smirking.
"No I don't, and leave me alone" you reply firmly. He got closer to you and grabbed your arm.
"Come on sweetie, we can have some fun". "STOP TOUCHING ME!" You yelled. He didn't let go, he was trying to pull you out of your seat. Zach was trying so hard not to get in trouble but he had it all, he didn't stand how he was treating you.
"SHE SAID TO LEAVE HER ALONE" he yelled at him.
"Awwww, your crazy ass friend has a crush on you?" He said bothering Zach.
Zach then stood up and went over to him, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" Zach yelled at him. " WHAT YOU FUCKING HEARD". Zach looked so mad. You quickly get up and you get in between both of them looking at Zach. Zach didn't look at you, he kept giving the guy a death stare while his veins started popping out. He was about to throw a punch at him... "ZACH DONT" you yelled. He didn't look at you. "Awww, look at you, being controlled by a girl, seems your not that much of a man" the guys said trying to make Zach angry. Zach was furious, he tried to punch him again but you stepped in. "ZACH LOOK AT ME!" You yelled. He stopped but didn't look at you. "ZACH, LOOK. AT. ME!" You said with your eyes watering and your voice cracking. He then looked at you. "Don't start this please, it's only going to make it worse, let the guards to this". He clenched his jaw and sat back down.

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