The lie

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A: "what do you mean save him y/n!!"
Y: "we have to help him!! If we don't do anything they are going to kill him!"
A: "look, i don't want to get in trouble for helping a guy get out of a rehab center!"
Y: "OK THEN!! i don't care if you're out, im going to save him either you want it or not"
A: "omg y/n you can go to jail!!"
Y: "and he can die!!"
A: "you know what! Do whatever you want, im not getting in trouble for that."
Y: "fine then."
You look at the floor brainstorming ideas, Ashley was just sitting on the bed saying nothing. You kept thinking until an idea came to your mind.(on your head) > "The workers get out at 8pm, so there are only security guards. Ugh!! I'll have to improvise."<
You look at your phone to check the time *6pm*, you look up and Ashley wasn't there, you stand up and go downstairs, she was looking for something on the fridge. She heard your footsteps and she turned around to look at you.
A: "sorry, i was hungry. But anyway, y/n please don't do anything stupid!"
Y: "listen, i know what im doing... kinda"
A: "well it doesn't look like it!!"
Y: "ugh, im leaving at 8, so if you change your stupid mind, you can come"
A: "no thank you, i don't wanna go to jail, but we're still friends... right?!"
Y: "duhh, you dumbass"
A: "alright then, ima watch a movie"
Y: "cool im going to the store, to get some things"
Y: "hell no, you go get your own"
You walk out of your house and close the door behind you, you slide your hand on you pocket and you get your car keys. You get in the car and leave to the store. You bought stuff you thought you would need to help Zach (you will find out later🙂)
You get home around 7:35pm
Y: "ASLEY!?"
You make your way to the living room and then you throw a bag of hot Cheetos to Ashley hitting her on the face.
Y: "here you go, your fucking bag of hot cheetos! Happy?"
A: "hell yeah, thank youu"
Y "mhmm" you say as you head upstairs
A: "where you going?
Y: "im going to get ready to...umm... go to... a party at my cousins house..."
A: "REALLY!? I wanna go tooooo!"
Y: "um... she told me not to invite anyone..."
Yes. You were lying, you obviously weren't going to a party, you were going to the rehab center, but knowing Ashley, she would force you to stay, so you had no choice but to lie to her.
A: " sucks, well hope you find cute boys there"
Y: "oh trust me, i will"
A: "oook!"
You went upstairs and got dressed, you put a long formal jacket and some jeans on to look casual so Ashley wouldn't suspect. You go downstairs and you head towards the front door while saying goodbye to Ashley.
"IM LEAVING BYE!" You yell while closing the door.
A: "have fun!" She replied.
You were nervous, you couldn't doubt that. You sit on your car and rethink your plan.
"Well here we go" you say to yourself.
You drive to the center, you were shaking so much, you knew that what you were doing was most likely illegal, and that you could get into serious trouble for it, but you brushed those thoughts away and focused on Zach. 5 minutes after, you arrive at the center, you take a deep breath before getting out of the car. You close the door slowly and you put your keys in your pocket. There was no security at the front door, which was a little strange considering it was a rehabilitation center. The doors were locked, obviously!, so you walk around the building to look for a window or ventilation system. You keep looking for about 5 minutes and you finally find a window, you quietly reach to it and you peek inside. It was the hallway, you look around for a little bit more to make sure it was clear. After that, you jump and you quietly get inside the building, you struggle a little but you made it. You move quietly towards Zach's room, you knew he probably wouldn't be there, but you wanted to find somewhere safe to go over your plan. You reach the room and you noticed that it was still unlocked.

dangerous- zach herron imagineWhere stories live. Discover now