he is a problem

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the guards came in running, they approached you three and asked what happened. Before you could speak the guy said: "this patient of yours tried to hurt me, he threw two punches at me" he stated, which was true but he started it. "BUT HE W-" the guard cut you off by saying "please lady, let the man explain", you roll your eyes at him and look at Zach. "everything will be fine" you mouthed, he nods his head insecure. "BUT HE WAS HARASSING ME" you yelled at the guards. "she is probably only saying that because that guy is forcing her to!, i didn't do anything to her! " he said in a convincing tone. "NO HE DIDN'T FORCE ME TO, HE WAS DEFENDING ME" you screamed angrier than ever, Zach just sat there quietly, he didn't want any more problems. The guards ignored you and kept talking to the guy. You grabbed a chair and sat by Zach. "hey look, im going to explain everything, you will be fine ok?" you told him, he looked very worried, more than he should be. Then suddenly one of the guards runs towards Zach "get up!" He stated. Zach obeyed. They put handcuffs on him, "walk!" The guard said in a rude tone. Zach didn't say anything, he looked really worried. He looked back at you and gave you that smile you've been waiting for since you met him. They started walking away and Zach looked down."What?! Where are you taking him!!" You yell desperately. They didn't answer, you knew they wouldn't answer. "ZACH DONT WORRY" you yell hoping he would hear you. You were so confused why did they take Zach? You walk to the front desk angrier than ever, feeling the heat inside you grow every time you took a step. You reach alice and confront her. "WHY DID THEY TAKE ZACH?" You yell.
A: " its the guards job, he was causing problems, and he had to be taken away"
A: " well he tries to physically hurt someone which is against our policy"
A: "well too bad, rules are rules, and by the way you wont be assisting Zach anymore. You weren't able to control him and this happened, im sorry but go get your stuff and leave."
Y: "OH YEAH COOL, NOW AFTER DEFENDING A GUY THAT HARASSED ME IM LOOSING MY JOB!?" You scream in anger as you walk furiously to Zach's room. You had a lot of mixed feelings, does that mean you will never see Zach again?. Your thoughts were stoped when you saw Zach's door open, you get in and Zach wasn't there. "What ?" You ask yourself confused. You get your stuff and place one of you portable perfumes on his bed, you walk through the hallway crying your eyes out, you were interrupted by a conversation coming from a room labeled "main office" the door was lightly open so you slowly peek into the small gap and you listen carefully.
?: "that was the limit there is nothing we can do"
??: "what are we doing about it?"
?: "we agreed that when he reached the limit of incidents we would have to..."
??: "thats legal?"
?: "it is, if a patient has an excessive amount of violations against our policies we can proceed with a death penalty"
Your legs felt weak, you felt your whole body loose it's balance, your eyer started to water like they've never cried before. You felt weak, you couldn't believe it, he didn't do anything, he just tried to help...
??: "but it has to go trough a process first?"
?: "yes but it doesn't take that long"
?: "we had ro get rid of him, he is a problem"...

dangerous- zach herron imagineWhere stories live. Discover now