*chapter 6* another day brought to you by soup

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I jump out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I grad a spatchula (it was the only thing I saw ok!)  I walk to the living room and see... Natsu. "Natsu!! " I yell at him and I look to she he shaddered my window. "Ahh sorry... " he says. "Why the heck did you break my window!? " I yell. "Y/nnn" I hear sans wine while rubbing her eyes. "Great now you woke up the baby." I say annoyed. "I'm sorry. " he reply. "You better pay for it! " I yell.  "Ok,  OK" he reply.

Time skip brought to you by soup

It's morning and natsu stayed the night and cleaned the glass up. He passed out on the sofa with happy. I get out of bed and see... Gray in my kitchen eating my... Food! "Gray why the heck your eating my babies!!! " I yell at him. "Ok,  your weird. " he says. " I'm weird says the guy half naked in my house in the morning with out my permission! " I yell.  "Hey I'm dressed! " as he looks down. "Crap! " he tells and runs home. "Ugh who was that? " natsu says. "Oh just gray,  half naked in my house! " I yell. "Oh and why are you still here! " I yell annoyed. "Woah, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. " he states. "Look I'm sorry just had a bad dream and wake up to a half naked man eating my food in my house. " I say while making breakfast.

Guess what?  Another time skip from buns

We head to the guid on the way there we get ice cream. It was so good! We go on another mission. This one lasted a week. We all got pretty injure and all I got was a deep cut on my arm.  The other got a lot of bruises but that's because I fought a giant freaking cat thingy while they all got some tiny chicken things that poop out egg bombs. (Like what the heck! Poop somewhere else bro)  I get bandaged up and head to the guild Hall. "Hey guys how are y'all doing? " I ask the group. "Good,  you? " Erza asks. "Good just a small scratch. " I reply. "Just a scratch!  Oh come on that was more than a cut!  You need to be more careful! " gray yells. He realized what he said and starts to blush. "I could but what's the fun in that. " I reply. "The fun is that you don't die. " he mumbles. " huh what was that? " I ask.  He blushes and says, "huh I nothing. " he responds.

I go to the bar and get a drink. I like this place.  I hope I will be able to stay here for a while.  I thought to my self.  I was so deep in thought I didn't realize natsu sat next to me and was waving his hand in my face. "Yo y/n you there? " he asks. "Huh oh ya just thinking. " I respond. "What you thinking about? " he asks. "Just how stupid you are. " I answer playfully. He says,  "hey! " and starts to chase me.  I smile back while running.

I love it here

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter I know it was short but it's 11: 30 P

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Hey guys hope you liked this chapter I know it was short but it's 11: 30 P. M.  Right now and I have a busy day tomorrow.

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