*chapter 17* new start

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Hey everyone!  Yes this is the last chapter but!!!!!  I will make a second book!  It will be called...
      Ripples of love

So don't worry! Hope you enjoy this chapter!  Just it's been hard keeping up with three books at once and this book isn't making me happy anymore.... I love making books but it's harder to do Fanfics. I hope you understand, and that's why I'll make a second book when I have more ideas!!

Ok to the chapter!!!


It's been 4 months. I've been... Happy. Natsu and I moved in together. Happy and Carla moved in together, with Wendy of course. I still think on San from time to time. It's been hard but with my salmon haired dragon by my side, I've gotten through it. We moved into natsus little cabin, it's small but it Comfortable.

"Natsu!  I'm gonna make breakfast, what do you want? " I yell from the kitchen. "Ummm, eggs? " he tells back. "Ok! " I reply. Honestly it's been great! Just me and natsu. No one to bother us, we haven't had any trouble Recently so that's good.

"Natsu eggs are done! " I yell to my sleepy dragon. I see him walk out of the bed room with sleepy eyes and messy hair. He looks so cute!  "Morning sleepy head. " I say with a smile. He doesn't respond, he just hugs me. "Are you gonna eat? " I ask. "Yeah, just wanna hug you first. " he says laying his head in the crook of my neck. I hug back, "aww, your so sweet, now eat before its cold. " I say with a slight blush in my cheeks.

He eats all his food, (more like inhales it but that's fine too, I guess) I set our plates in the sink. "Natsu what you wanna do today? " I ask cleaning the dishes. "I dunno? " he says thinking. "Hmmm, maybe, go to the guild? " I suggest. "I mean why not. " natsu says with his big, toothy grin. "Ok to the guild we go! " I yell. We start to walk to the door but then I stop. "What's wrong? " natsu asks with a confused face, I just giggle. "We need to get out of our pj's and into some real clothes. " I giggle. "Oh yeah.. " natsu says rubbing the back of his neck.

Time skip at the guild.

"Y/n control your boyfriend! " Lucy yells holding natsu back from hitting gray. "Let me at em! " he yells. I role my eyes and get up from my seat. "Sorry Mira, let's talk later! " I say walk in to natsu. "Oh cool down fire breath. " gray says crossing his arms. "How bout you come over and make me! " natsu yells. "Boys, boys your both pretty. Can we wrap this up now? " I ask a little annoyed. "No! " they both yell at me. "Ok then.. " I say with a smirk. "You have two choices, me or Erza? " I Siri at them. "OK come on your not that scary. " gray says not caring. "Dude... Don't... Please you'll send us to our graves. " natsu says with fear. "Hehe.. " I say with a shadow over my eyes. I grab gray and throw him to the ground. I put my foot on his stomach, "am I scary now? " I ask. Unfortunately I hit him to hard to were I knocked him out. "Please don't kill me. " natsu says trying to run away. I grab his shirt.... And..... I kiss his cheek. He was so shocked he froze and didn't move. I go sit next to Mira again, "wow, I bet he didn't see that coming.. " Mira giggles. "Yeah, he's lucky I went easy. But next time he doesn't listen.... " I say as I ball up my fist. "Hehe yeah reminder me to never make you mad. " Mira nurvuosly giggles.

That's when the guild door slam open. A person walks in with a dark hood. It's flowing back and fourth as the wind blows. They stand there and say, "is this fairy tale? " they ask.


Hi!  Did you like it!!!  Hope so!!  We you in the next book!!  Bai lovelies!!
Word count:  689

The Dragon Slayers fairytail x reader (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora