|| CHAPTER 15 ||

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All three of them woke up to Claire's alarm on her phone. Grunting and exhausted sighs escaped them all, but luckily it was a night without horror.

They appeared at the courthouse 10 minutes before time. One reason – Claire. To be on time is to be before time. Owen had given up and just went along with it. They were sitting on the same bench as the day before. Both girls snuggled into Owen, as they waited for the doors to open.

Entering the hall, they went up front and found their seats again. Owen in the same place behind them, for comforts sake. Claire's attorney pulled her aside to have a talk about the case, really quick. Owen stayed behind with Maisie who looked terrified. She was a clever girl, she knew this wasn't going their way.

The whole thing started within minutes and they went on and on about Jurassic World. About Claire being the reason for all of this. Most of the hall forgetting about Mills. Then suddenly Claire got called to the stand. No one had told her they wanted her to testify, to give her point of view, to even say anything. But yet here she was, on her way up to the high chair, looking as scared as ever.

The prosecutor, walked up to Claire slowly, his footsteps heavy and he had a hint in his eyes that made Claire squirm in her seat. "Miss Dearing" He stated and put his arms behind his back. "You were the operation manager of Jurassic World" He said and asked. "Correct" to which Claire answered correct back. "You were also involved in the so called rescue that brought the dinosaurs onto the mainland, correct?" He continued. "Correct" Claire said with a heavy sigh. Owen could feel Claire's fear from the bench and put a hand on Maisie's shoulder and gave it a squeeze, hoping the girl wasn't feeling the stress currently filling Claire's insides.

"Miss Dearing do you have any felonies?" He asked with narrowed eyes, closing in on her. Claire shook her head and said. "No" The guy turned around and looked out at the jury.

He kept going on and on about the park and rescue mission, seeming like he didn't have anything else to blame Claire for. Not like she hadn't blamed herself for the incident ever since it happened. This was opening up old wounds, the stress and guilt breaking free from where she had buried it deep inside.

When it was Claire's attorney's turn, she went up and a tv rolled in. "If you will your honors. Turn you head to the TV, where I will represent the evidence that Claire Dearing saved everyone" She said and walked to the side and pushed a button on a small remote in her hand. Claire was terrified, looked to Owen and Maisie and they seemed just as terrified. What was going be shown on that TV. What was she going to have to relive?

A few seconds after the button had been pressed. A security footage was showing. Claire's eyes widened, looking back at Owen with pleating eyes to just shoot her dead right here right there. No, she couldn't watch this. Not again.

The security footage showed a closed street. Walls on both sides. In the corner it said, 'Camera 19, Jurassic World, Main street'. Nothing was happening on the footage until suddenly a small figure appeared.

Claire was seen, her clothes ripped, her hair wet and with an item in each hand. The jury and judges looked in wonder, obviously never having seen this footage before. Claire was seen pulling out a walkie talkie and then looking at the camera. Throwing it on the ground, she pulled out the other item. The flare. Opened it. Red light shining out in the hall. Then it showed the massive garage door in front of Claire slowly open.

People were still looking in wonder, getting more and more into the footage as it went on. Claire was seen taking a few steps back, and then she came. The T-rex stepped out of it's paddock. Taking big heavy steps in Claire's direction.

Everyone in the hall started talking. Chatter could be heard everywhere and off Claire went. Running with everything in her body. A Giant T-rex right behind her.

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