A Warning

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"Sabrina I still- I still love you." The room went silent. Puck was staring at Sabrina. Her eyes showed what her face didn't. Tears were in her eyes, one had already fallen. Puck approached Sabrina and wiped away the single tear with his thumb. "Sabrina, I realized I loved you not even a month into the trip." Puck said quietly, still stand close to Sabrina.

"Then why didn't you come back." Sabrina ask, quickly with harshness in her voice.

"By then we were already on our way. I did try to come back, I did, but your uncle wouldn't come back. So I continued to travel with him."

"You still could've come back on your own." Sabrina started to turn from Puck, but Puck caught her hand.

"I know! I know I could've come back and I have regretted my decision ever since.  When I saw you yesterday with your husband the regret just expanded. Sabrina you moved on." Puck paused, "How did you move on?" Puck stared into her eyes with a pleading look. Sabrina couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Sabrina looked back at Puck, tears running down her face.

"Puck I-I waited, I did wait for you. I waited and waited for you for four years. After four years, I gave up waiting, I realized my life had to move on." She paused. "Move on from you." the words were filled with harshness and hatred. Puck was speechless, he couldn't find the words to reply.

"Sabrina I didn't-"

"I know Puck. I know you didn't know. I guess I didn't move fully on though, based upon the fact that I'm crying for you." Puck just looked at Sabrina, he took a step closer, then another and another until he was face to face with Sabrina. "Puck what are-" He didn't let her finish. Puck took a breathe and kissed Sabrina. Sabrina to her own surprise kissed back. Sparks seemed to fly through the air around them. Sabrina backed up first. "Puck we can't."

"I know."

"If you knew then why did you do it?" Harshness and anger flew through the words and cause Puck to take a step back. Sabrina quickly set her coffee down and started walking to the door. "Puck, the town has changed since you left. There are more Outsiders than Everafters. Lay low, don't use magic, no Outsider knows about what happened to us. Don't ever repeat the events." and with that Sabrina left Puck's apartment and Puck thinking to himself why did Sabrina kiss him back if she doesn't want it.

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