An Emotional Rollercoaster

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Sabrina slammed Puck's apartment door, runs down the hallway and out the front door. Once she was in her car, tears broke free of the wall that was holding them back for the last seven years. The tears were like a waterfall running down her face. Her mind racing through the events of the last hour. At first catching up with Puck had been nice, but as soon as he opened up the past, a black hole seemed to open up and swallow her whole. She thought she was over Puck, he left her behind after all she should be over him.

But Puck was still in love with her although there was no getting rid of him currently. Sabrina started her car, and slowly headed towards her house. The time on the road slips by her and she pulls into a driveway. When she steps out of the car she realizes that she isn't at her house, she's at Granny's. The old house it just the way she left it, old and almost falling to pieces on the outside. She look at the house and despite her better judgement she went up onto the porch. She look under the old welcome mat for the key, which she still kept there, and entered the house. She closed the door behind her and looked into the living room, where there were still books laying everywhere in piles just the way Granny had left it almost like she was still here and still adding new journals to the piles. Next she went to the kitchen, Sabrina had cleaned out the kitchen of food when Granny left, but the kitchen still smelled like the odd cooking she did every night. It reminded her of Daphne and how open she was to trying the odd food the very first night that they stayed here. After the kitchen she walked up to the bedrooms, she peeked in Mirrors old room, empty as it had always been since the battles in the hall of mirrors. Next she went to Granny's room where the old artifacts still hung on the walls and in the desk drawers. On her bedside table she found a picture of Daphne and Sabrina from their days out hunting for a new adventure in the woods after the battles. They were all smiles in those's days, now they see each other maybe three times a year. Sabrina moves on to her and Daphne's room. She found there old beds which were striped and the dressers which were still covered in the makeup from there combined teen days. Another memory comes to mind, It was the first night there and she and Daphne got lured to the forest by none other then Puck and his Pixie friends. Finally she left her room and started down the hall, she stop at the next room, Puck's. Sabrina stood there and looked at the door. All of the pranks came back and of course there first kiss. Although it wasn't a kiss that mattered then, they both know now that's what started it all. That one kiss back when they were young and dumb. Now she was married and it shouldn't matter, but it does.

Sabrina quickly left the hallway and ran out of the house before she could bring her self to open Puck's room. Sabrina got in her car and drove straight home. She pulled in the drive way only to see the Nick's car. Nick shouldn't be here he was supposed to be at work today until 5. Sabrina thought. Why is he home early?

Sabrina walked in the front door and found Nick sitting down in the living room with none other than Daphne.

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