What The Heck Is That?

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Sabrina could only nod. Her mouth was dry, she had nothing to say. She did the only thing that seemed right to do. She stood up from the table quietly put her bowl of spaghetti into the sink, walked into the living room and right out of the front. Sabrina kept walking down the driveway and down the road. She didn't know where she was going but she kept walking anyway. Soon she arrived at granny's and even though she just was there a few hours ago she again found herself drawn into the little cottage. This time she didn't stop in the kitchen or the living room, no she went straight up to Puck's room and opened the door. Even though Puck had moved out his magic was still here. The stream was still running through the meadow. The monkeys were all gone and there was no sign of any left over pranks from before he moved out. Sabrina sat in the meadow losing track of time. She didn't know how long she had sat there, it could of been a few minutes or a few hours she couldn't tell since the magic meadow didn't have a sunset. Eventually she fell asleep. When Sabrina woke up she noticed that the meadow seemed darker then when she fell asleep. Sabrina looked up and saw Puck sitting there wings out on a rock. At first Sabrina thought she was still dreaming but when Puck spoke she knew she wasn't.

"Hey there Stink-face." Oh great, the great prankster is back.

"Puck, what are you doing here?"      

"Don't you remember? You said I could live before you stormed out yesterday."

"Oh right, I forgot sorry." Sabrina said quickly as she got off the ground.

"The real question is what are you doing here, in my old room. I mean before yesterday this would have been fine." Sabrina didn't have a good answer for him. She basically ran away from home last night because she couldn't take dinner with her sister and Nick. She didn't know what to say for herself.

"Daphne's home." Puck stood there a confused look on his face "Nick told her that you were back and I couldn't take it so I left. I guess I ended up here."

"Of all place you ended up back in my room? Now isn't that weird."

"I guess so, maybe it's my subconscious. I had a long day yesterday, I should probably get home. I'm sure their all worried about me." Sabrina started heading toward the door.

"Sabrina, don't go." Puck desperately called after her. But Sabrina was already out the door. Puck quickly followed after her and without thinking flew down the street to stop her.

"Puck!" Sabrina exclaimed, "You can't just fly down the street like that. What if someone saw you?" But it was too late.

"What the heck is that?"

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