Lost Brother

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|Elizabeth x Meliodas|

Elizabeth was browsing through wardrobes at IKEA.

Her Father was letting her redesign her bedroom for her birthday, and once it was done, she was aloud to have a huge group sleepover.

"Hmm, I like this one." Elizabeth said, pointing to a patterned purple wallpaper. "What do you think, Veronica?" Elizabeth turned, but Veronica wasn't there.

"Stupid sister, she ditched me for Griamore again, when I wasn't looking." Elizabeth muttered. "Oh well, I should continue looking for the wallpaper I want." She had no clue what she wanted, and she didn't really want any of the ones she had seen so far.

Just then, Meliodas ran around the corner and almost knocked them both over.

"Mel!" Elizabeth squealed, going red. His face was in her cleavage. "Get off!"

"Sorry, Elizabeth." Meliodas grinned, jumping up. He held a hand out for her to take, and he helped her up. Meliodas had been her friend since they were nine. She was sixteen now, and Elizabeth had a crush on him for a year. She still does, though she won't admit it to Diane and Elaine.

Meliodas never showed signs of liking her back, though, so she tried to forget her crush several times. They were unsuccessful.

"Mel? What's wrong? You look worried." Elizabeth frowned.

"Oh, I lost Zeldris." Meliodas frowned. "I got made to take him here, and then as soon as I let him out of my sight to get something, he runs off. I've to be home in fifteen minutes, and I've been running around for at least half an hour looking for him."

"He's that good of a hide and seek player, huh?" Elizabeth giggled. "I'll help look for him."

Zeldris was five, and he was really good at hide and seek. And he played it everywhere; the park, the shops, the museum, school, and even the cinemas.

"Thanks Ellie."

They started walking around, looking for an incredibly short boy with spiky, messy black hair.

Little did they know, Zeldris was always near them, and if they got too close, he would move so they couldn't catch him.

"Hehe, they'll never find me!" Zeldris giggled, running behind some rugs.

"Zeldris? Zeldris?" Meliodas called.

"Just where is he?" Elizabeth sighed. "He's not that small. Zeldris where are you?"

"I know, but Zeldris isn't the easiest person to catch. Remember when he did this last time, at the park?" Meliodas shrugged.

"Yeah, the police had to find him. What time did they find him again?"

"About two in the morning. He wasn't even cold, the slippery little bas-"

"Shush. No swearing! Bad Meliodas!" Elizabeth grinned, putting her finger over his lips.

"What?" Meliodas said innocently. "I was going to call him a bass fish."

"Sure you were." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Zeldris!"


"Zeldris where are you?!"


They wandered around the two story IKEA building. Zeldris was nowhere to be found.

"Just where is he?" Meliodas muttered. "He better have not left the shop."

"I don't think he's that bad." Elizabeth smiled. "Unlike you. Remember when you played tig with that boy in our class, I think his name was Garath, and he hit you too hard while tigging you?"

"He gave me a bruise!" Meliodas protested.

"And you gave him a black eye, broken rib and a chipped tooth. I'm surprised you didn't get expelled." Elizabeth chuckled.

"My family has connections." Meliodas shrugged. "And besides, what about that time you got us lost in that orienteering lesson in the woods?"

"Hey!" Elizabeth went pink. "I was looking at the wrong part of the map!"

"And the police had to find us." Meliodas laughed. "The school had a fit when they realised we were reading the map upside down."

"Oh, I forgot that part."

Meanwhile, Zeldris had run ahead of them, scrambling for a place to hide. He wasn't looking where he was going, however, and accidentally ran into a shelf.

Elizabeth and Meliodas both heard the crash, and rushed to find out what was going on.

Zeldris was sitting amongst a collapsed shelf full of wallpapers, with his hand on his head. He looked up at Meliodas and started crying.

"How many times have I told you not to play hide and seek when we aren't playing?" Meliodas sighed, picking Zeldris up. "What's wrong?"

"I-I hit my head! T-The shelf a-attacked me!" Zeldris sniffled, rubbing his head.

"Meliodas will take a look at it when you go home. What's that you've got in your hand?" Elizabeth asked. "Can I see it?"

Zeldris handed Elizabeth a roll of wallpaper. It was pink and white triangles outlined with gold.

"It's perfect!" Elizabeth gasped.

"What?" Meliodas wondered.

"I was looking for a wallpaper for my bedroom, and this is it!"


They reached the entrance to IKEA, where the tills were.

"Well, I have to pay for this." Elizabeth said.

Meliodas smirked. "And I have to get home, I'm already ten minutes late. But to say thanks, You can have this."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek, then walked off, calling "Bye Elizabeth! See you tomorrow at school!"

Elizabeth just stood there, tomato red, and confused about the entire day.

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