Dancing Classes

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This oneshot was requested by RebelZ269so I hope you enjoy it!

|Gelda x Zeldris|

"Hi, Elizabeth!" Gelda giggled, running towards the table where Elizabeth and two unknown people sat. It was lunch, and they were supposed to find somewhere to sit.

Unfortunately, Gelda tripped and went hurtling into the small boy in front of her. They both crashed to the floor.

Gelda rubbed where she hit her head. The boy she had hit was picking up his things, looking very annoyed. He had black eyes and black, messy, spiky hair.

"Next time, watch where you're going." he said harshly, before storming off.

"Oh dear! Are you okay?" One of the girls asked worriedly, helping Gelda up. "Do you need to go to the medical room? I'm Diane, by the way."

"I'm Gelda. And no, I think I'll be fine." Gelda rubbed the red patch on her head ruefully.

Another girl handed Gelda her dropped school bag. "I'm Elaine, I'm so sorry about that." Elaine said.

They all sat down beside Elizabeth. "Hey Gelda. Are you okay?" Elizabeth worried. "Diane and Elaine are my friends from English."

"Yeah, I think so. Who's that guy I bumped into?" Gelda asked curiously.

"Zeldris. He comes from a wealthy family, one of the richest in Brittania." Elaine said.

"He's the youngest in his family, and doesn't talk to anyone besides his brothers. He holds grudges against people pretty well, though." Diane added.

"Gelda, I don't want to alarm you, but Zeldris is glaring at you." Elizabeth hissed. Zeldris was indeed glaring at Gelda.

"Great." Gelda grumbled. "My first day at school and I already have someone holding a grudge against me."

Next few months, Gelda and Zeldris didn't talk, they mostly just glared at eachother. Gelda didn't understand how that small of an incident made him hate her. Elizabeth supposed that he was just in a bad mood, while Diane spent entire sleepovers at Elizabeth's house making up crazy theories. They ranged from her being his secret crush, to Gelda being a target for the gang Zeldris could be in.

But, as much as Gelda wished she didn't, she had to spend two hours after school three times a week trapped in the same hall as him. Her Father had make her take dancing classes, so that she could join in with Elizabeth, Diane, and Elaine when the nobles of Brittania do all the dancing at the Annual Brittanic Ball.

The Annual Brittanic Ball was a large ball where all the nobility in Brittania meet to dance and eat food and conduct business. This included the Liones, Sloth, Envy families, The Edinburgh Family (Gelda's family), and unfortunately, The Wrath Family.

But when Gelda was waiting for the usual lessons to start the teacher made a strange announcement.

"I will partner you with someone who will help your abilities grow." The teacher announced. " The pairs are as follows: Elizabeth and Meliodas, Lily and Jon, Amy and Lia, Ellie and Danny..."

Gelda zoned out until her name was called. "And finally, Zeldris and Gelda."

Gelda stood up angrily. "Uh, no. I am not dancing with him."

"I agree with her, for once." Zeldris nodded, crossing his arms.

"Well, Gelda isn't very old at dancing, and you're the best so there was nothing else I could do. You will dance together, and that's final." The teacher said. "Now, grab your partner and we will do the dance we practiced last time, but no music."

Gelda stood frozen in place, looking like she would murder the teacher then and there. Elizabeth, who was already dancing with Meliodas, her boyfriend, gave her a sympathetic look.

When the teacher glared at the only partners not dancing, Zeldris rolled his eyes and tapped Gelda's shoulder. "Come on then."

"What do you want?" She hissed.

"Well, I'd like my Father to not get a phonecall saying I was misbehaving, and I doubt you do either, so I'd just get this over with." Zeldris rolled his eyes again. He held his hand out expectantly. "Well come on then."

Gelda reluctantly took Zeldris's hand and they started going through the steps. "... Fine. But you better not try anything." Gelda warned.

"What do you mean by that- wrong foot, it's the left one first." Zeldris rolled his eyes. He seemed to do that a lot.

"Sorry." Gelda said shortly. She did not like being this close to Zeldris, at all. "And, I always had a question, why do you hate me?"

"You have to spin twice to get far enough, and then it's back to the second position." Zeldris corrected. "And I don't hate you, you just irritate me sometimes."

"Well, you act like you hate me and- oh god I just stood on your feet I'm sorry." Gelda apologised.

Zeldris winced. "It's fine. And I don't hate you as I said, you just irritate me."

"Oh really? What about me is irritating?"

"Your incredibly loud voice, the fact you kept walking into me all the time, the fact you just stood on me again."

"I'm sorry about that, but not sorry about that." Gelda giggled. "Why does my voice irritate you?"

"Right foot then left." Zeldris corrected. "And you always talk so posh- Gelda, for god's sake, it's right foot first!"

"Oh. I really am terrible at this, aren't I?"

Gelda and Zeldris continued as dancing partners for two months. Gelda improved tremendously, and actually became a somewhat decent dancer. The teacher was very pleased with them.

As for Zeldris and Gelda, they became quite good friends, even meeting up outside the dance class. A little too close. Meliodas and Elizabeth both noticed it, and Zeldris and Gelda noticed it, but hey were both too stubborn, or shy, to admit it.

At least, Gelda was too stubborn to admit it. The same couldn't be said for Zeldris.

The Annual Brittanic Ball was coming up in a week, and it was hinted to go with someone else who was invited. Meliodas had asked Elizabeth, but no one had asked Gelda, strangely enough. Usually, she had lots of invites, but this year, she had none at all.

After another successful dance lesson, one of the last dance lessons before the Annual Brittanic Ball, Zeldris tapped Gelda's  back.

"I'll be one minute Elizabeth- Oh, Zeldris, hey!" Gelda giggled.

"Can I talk to you?" Zeldris asked, his usual stare on.

"Oh, sure. I'll be back in a minute, Elizabeth." They walked away from the crowd. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath. "Well, would you like to go to the Annual Brittanic Ball with me?" Zeldris asked, just getting straight to the point.

"Wh-what?" Gelda stuttered, taken aback. "As in, a date, sort of way?"

"Yeah." He answered awkwardly.

"Yes!" Gelda grinned, hugging him happily. “I never had someone even invite me before- wait, did you have something to do with that?”

“Technically, no. My older brother, Meliodas, found out I was going to ask you and kind of threatened to murder everyone if they asked you. It wasn't my idea, I swear!” Zeldris defended.

“I see.” Gelda giggled. “I'll murder him later, since he made me lose my competition with my sister. But, I'm glad you asked me.”

“Your welcome?” Zeldris said as a half question.

“You're an idiot, I hate you.” Gelda sighed.

“You know that's a lie.” Zeldris smirked.

Gelda leaned in and kissed Zeldris on the lips. He went red, and she whispered “I know.” And walked away, leaving a very flustered Zeldris and Meliodas falling about the place laughing.

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