Gowns and Suits Pt 1

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Elizabeth stood just outside the ballroom and adjusted the sleeves of her dress nervously. It was lavender, hugged her curves and flared out gently from her mid thighs. The sleeves were long and tight, and the cuffs were lace. The dress was extremely low cut, too low for Elizabeth's liking.

"Stop tugging at them, Elizabeth, honestly, you'll rip it," Margaret tutted, and slapped Elizabeth's hand. She continued to sort Elizabeth's hair. She sighed and Margaret looked at her. "What is it?"

"It's just, does it have to be so low cut?" Elizabeth complained.

"It does, that's apparently how he likes it. Now stop complaining, you volunteered. Now get going, we can't stay outside for ever." Veronica snapped.

"Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll see you all later, we'll be free." Elizabeth forced a smile and stepped into the Ballroom.

The Kingdom of Danafor was hosting a ball for the eldest Prince. The youngest Prince, Zeldris, had recently got engaged to the Princess Gelda of Edinburg. The Eldest Prince, Meliodas, was notorious for not liking any women, and completely ignoring almost everyone. His Father was at his wit's end, and threw a ball to try and get his son to fall in love, so that the throne would be secure. The party would last three days.

Elizabeth's plan was simple. In order to help her sisters and her escape, she had to make the eldest brother fall for her. That way, she could escape her Father's arranged marriage for her. Margaret had offered to do it, but she was engaged to the future Grand Holy Knight of Liones, and Veronica flat out refused, so the task fell to Elizabeth. She had two weeks, or her Father would marry them both off.

The deadline was haunting. Three days to win his interest, two weeks to make sure her Father couldn't marry her off. Veronica was safe for at least another year, but if she could get into the Prince's favour, she could ask him to give Veronica her freedom.

Elizabeth entered the ball room, and nervously walked around. It was full of people, and Meliodas was nowhere in sight. She saw a few people standing around, but a lot of them were dancing, dresses twirling in the Candlelight.

She approached a group of four. "Umm, excuse me, I don't know anyone here, and I was wondering if I could, uh chat with you, if that's alright?" Elizabeth stuttered awkwardly.

The tall girl in a mint green dress smiled. "Sure! I'm Lady Diane, of the Giant's land, and you?" Ah, Elizabeth thought, this was one of the Giant Clan's high ranking ladies.

"I'm Lady Elizabeth, of Liones." Elizabeth curtseyed politely.

"Hello, I'm Elaine of the Fairy King's Forest, so technically I'm a princess, but I use the title Lady." A small blonde fairy in a sky blue dress waved.

"I'm King Harlequin, of the Fairy King's Forest, pleased to meet you." A brown haired fairy nodded curtly.

"And I'm Ban, got no title, don't need one." A blue haired man said, inbetween large gulps of the ale being served.

"He's my lover, just ignore him," Elaine smiled fondly. "Come, Ban, dance with me."

They walked into the dancefloor, and Diane and King followed shortly. Elizabeth made her way into the balcony, where several people were watching the dancing.

Elizabeth was too busy watching the others dance that she bumped into someone, and lost her balance and closed her eyes, waiting for the impact. She would've tumbled over the balcony, had it not been for a certain blond to catch her.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and saw pitch black eyes staring into hers, with a smirk on his face. She felt herself blush with embarrassment as the Prince helped her on to her feet.

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