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|Not a proper ship, but about Meliodas and Elizabeth|

Elizabeth watched the scenery fly past as the car sped down some country roads. Gilthunder couldn't drive slowly.

The car slowed as they arrived at a house in the countryside. It was a large four floor building, with massive gardens. There was an apple orchard and vegetable and fruit garden, a large play park, and several benches. This was all easily seen from the carpark, which only had three cars in it, including Gilthunder's.

Gilthunder, on Margaret's 32nd birthday, proposed something very major, which Margaret eagerly agreed to. They were going to adopt a child. This is why the couple, aged 32, dragged 27 year old Elizabeth with them to an orphanage in the countryside of Liones.

"I can't wait! What if we find a child today!?" Margaret squeezed Gilthunder's arm excitedly. "Aren't you excited, Elizabeth?"

"I'm happy for you." Elizabeth smiled. Elizabeth was happy for them, but at the same time, a part of her was not so excited.

Margaret studied Elizabeth's face carefully. "Oh Elizabeth! I'm sorry! I forgot..."

"No, it's okay. Let's just go!" Elizabeth forced a smile. Children were not exactly her thing at them moment.

You see, Elizabeth had dated this guy named Oliver for four years. Things had got really serious, too. They started talking about children. Elizabeth was ecstatic when they started trying for a baby. Unfortunately, after a year of trying, and no luck, a doctor informed them that Elizabeth was unable to bear children.

This ruined the couple, and a week after hearing the news, Oliver kicked an utterly crushed and upset Elizabeth out of his flat, and her friends had to take her in.

That was a year ago, and she now worked as a very successful café owner, The Boar Hat, and had a beautiful cottage across from the café, along with a large garden. Children was still a touchy subject though.

"If you're sure." Gilthunder nodded, and they went through the front gate and entered the house.

The house was very pleasant, with uplifting pictures and a homey vibe. They walked into the office where a lady in her mid fifties sat, looking at paperwork.

"Oh, hello! I'm Anna, nice to meet you!" Anna jumped up, shaking everyone's hand. "You must be Gilthunder and Margaret. Who's this?"

"This is my sister, Elizabeth." Margaret replied. "So, how does this work?"

"Well, I'll take your forms, and then you can look around. If you want to go into the nursery with the babies and young toddlers, just get either me, Ellen, Danny, Sarah or Leanne. We all have the rainbow badges on." Anna chuckled, pointing to the large rainbow badge. "Children picked it out. I'll give you a tour."

Margaret handed her the forms, and they proceeded to leave. On the way, Margaret leaned back and whispered to Anna. "My sister's forms are in there, just in case."

Anna nodded, and started the tour.

Elizabeth got bored, and didn't pay attention. The playground caught her eye, and she stopped to look. There were so many kids. Elizabeth decided to investigate.

She walked hesitantly into the playground, and sat on a bench, watching the children play.

There were children of all ages, from three or four to sixteen or seventeen. Some sat on benches, and others played on the equipment. Others had toys out and were playing on the grass.

Elizabeth smiled, got up, and started walking towards the orchard.

Some children were in there, too. Older ones did gardening, most likely chores, others were reading or sleeping. A few boys charged past Elizabeth, playing tag.

Nanatsu No Taizai Madness | OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now