Chapter 7: Trouble

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I'm on the other side of the fence. I took a wrong turn and ended up on the fence side of school. I climb it, not caring about my footing.

I don't know what's the other are doing. I don't care. It doesn't matter anymore. I hop down and beginning jogging towards the dorm building's emergency exit. The one we took to sneak out.

I see people. A lot of people. I slow down my pace as I get closer. I stop about 50 feet in front of group of people.

"Lillian Cross Stonewood." Says one of the administrators that I don't recognize. I'm taken aback by the use of my birth name.

"That's me." I respond, out of breath.

"Where are the others?" The same administrator asks.

"They are still back in the forest, but I am willing to take the full blame here. I'm the one who planned on escaping and I dragged them along with me. I will accept any punishment you give me, just don't do anything to them," I look up, desperate that they will only punish me and not them.

"Please." I finish, trying to catch my breath.

The administrators look at me for a second and then huddle together while a teacher walks towards me.

It's my art teacher, Ms. Ray. Her eyes are red and puffy. As if she was crying... but why?

She takes me by the arm, careful not to hold too tight and leads me towards the administrators.

I hear all of them talking and it was too jumbled for me to comprehend so I stop listening in.

After some time, they finally look back at me.

"Lillian, we have agreed to follow you're requested conditions. We will talk about your punishment in a bit in your principal's office. Your teacher," he gestures towards Ms. Ray. "Will escort you to your new dorm room." He finishes as Ms. Ray leads me back inside the dorm building through the emergency exit.

I forgot about my room situation. I hope they saved some of my things.

She leads me past the dorms, and stops in front of a room, which is only a few rooms away from my old room.

I wonder where Mina will be staying. They probably moved her in with Allie. She'll probably won't move back in with me after they fix the room. I don't expect her to.

Ms. Ray opens the dorm room with a key, which she proceeds to hand to me. I go inside to find most of my stuff in boxes, set on the kitchen counter. At least they recovered most of my things.

It was much bigger than my old dorm as it had a small living room in it as well, nothing else besides that. I look at all the boxes and decided to deal with that later.

I walk out my new dorm, locking the door behind me before being lead to the principal's office.

Oh boy, this will be fun.

She gestures for me to wait and goes inside the office. After about what seemed like a minute, she pokes her head out, calling me in.

I walk into the office, the principal sitting in her chair with a deadpan expression. Ms. Ray stood in the corner with her hands behind her back.

Mina flashed in my mind but I quickly shook my head as a way of getting that image out.

"Ms. Stayne, please take a seat." Principal Ross states. She's a sweetheart in general, but not so much when dealing with troublesome student. She's a really amazing principal. One of my favorites actually. I take a seat.

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