Chapter 9 : A new day

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I woke up and I checked the time. 6 AM.

I sat up and looked around my new room.

This is gonna take a while to get used to.

I got out of bed and opened the blinds on my window. The sun was rising.

Beautiful, yet terrifying.

I have always been creeped out by sunrises, and sunsets...

I went to the bathroom, and took a shower. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, blow dried it, and went back into my room. My roommate wasn't coming back for another week. They got suspended for vandalising the school.Due to the minimal amount of time to get me a room in the girls dorm, I was set in the neutral dorms which is a section in the dorm buildings where both guys and girls can live together.

I had a guy for a roommate so that going to be interesting.

I got dressed and put my hair into a ponytail. I took my bandage off my hands, applied some ointment and put on a fresh bandage. I grabbed my bag, and phone and headed off to breakfast.

While heading off to breakfast, I bumped into Mina. She didn't even bother to look back at me.


I continued walking until I finally got to the cafeteria.

I'm going to be watched.

I opened the doors and stepped inside. Everything seemed...normal. Nothing changed. I saw my friends and they saw me and waved. I smiled.

I walked towards the table and sat next to Lukas.

"Morning, sunshine." said Allie.

Lukas placed his hand over mine.

"M'lady." I dipped me imaginary hat. "What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Blueberry muffins." Katie responded.

My favorite!

I smiled once again.

"I'm gonna go get some. Be right back."

I gently let go of Lukas's hand and rushed off to get food.

I came back and Mina was waiting next to the table. She was talking to Lukas. He looked pissed.

I set down my tray, and sat down.

"Well?" Mina pushes.

Lukas's gave her a dirty look. I held my head down, and I felt a hand on my knee. Katy's hand. I put my hand on her's.

Why is she here?

"She's not gonna do it." Lukas growled.

I looked up and whispered to Lukas, "Do what?"

He leaned in to tell me, but before he could say anything, Mina interrupted.

"Don't be so controlling, Luke. Let her choose. Nobody likes a controlling boyfriend."

Now, I gave her a dirty look. Lukas ignored her, and explained.

"She wants to talk to you, and 'put you in your place.'"

I looked at Lukas, then at Mina.

"He isn't wrong." she said.

She didn't even look guilty. She looked...proud.

Conceited bitch....

"I'm not talking to you." I said, firmly.

She huffed, and walked away. I watched her walk out of the cafeteria and turned back to face my tray. I felt defeated. Which made me lose my appetite.

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