Chapter 10 : The Return

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It was early in the morning when I heard a knock on my door. Like my room door, not even my front door.
The knocking turned into banging.

"Open the fucking door!"

It was a guy's voice.

Calm down...

I got up, and opened the door. I was put into a bad mood the instant I opened the door.

The guy had platinum blonde hair, oddly similar to Lukas's. He had piercings all over his ears. He wore a black shirt with holes all over, and black sweatpants.

He had his arm around this girl, who had what's supposed to be a shirt but looked more like a strip of fabric. But, I can't judge because someone's choice of clothing doesn't show who they are as a person.

"I'm your roommate. My suspension was shorten a bit, so they allowed me to stay in my dorm, but I still can't go to class."

Does it look like.....I give a shit?

He was practically screaming fuckboy.

Why do I have to get stuck with him?

He began to speak again.

"You're Lily, right? You're friends with my brothers. Mark and Lukas. I'm the youngest. The name's Res."

They have a younger brother?

I was too tired to even keep myself up.

"Can I go to sleep now?"

That was all I was able to say at the moment.

"Yeah, sure. Do whatever the fuck you want." He said, very sarcastically.

I didn't care in the moment. I just wanted to sleep.

I slammed the door in their faces, and went back to bed. I heard muffled voices from behind my door but couldn't decipher what was being said.

I fell back asleep.

I couldn't sleep that night. My new roomy was being too loud.

I ended up getting up and angrily pacing all over my room. I banged on the walls, in hopes they would shut up, but to no avail.

I kept pacing.

I was getting restless, and I couldn't bother to sit down. It felt like I was being constrained to my chair and I just had the constant urge to move.

The more I paced, the more I felt sick. Going around in circles, exhausted and disoriented, never went well together. I should know, as this isn't the first time I've paced liked this.

I felt dizzy, and my vision began to haze. My head pounded like crazy.

My stomach started cramping up, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

I  am not going to throw up in my room, I thought.

I stumbled to the door, struggling to walk straight. My head spun, making it seem like the room was spinning at 100 miles per hour.

When I got out, I smelled a rather stinky smell coming from the room next door. It didn't take long for me to realize that the gross smell was weed.

Great, he's a pothead.

I held my breathe, as the smell was making my dizziness and headache worse.

My lungs betrayed me and forced me to harshly breathe in, causing me to begin to cough aggressively.

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