Chapter 8: everyone falls in love

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I get to my door, rushing into my room and turn around to quickly close it.

I'm a bit too late though. Lukas is stopping the door by pushing against me, trying to get in.

"Lily! Let me in!" He yells.

" No!" I yell back.

"Please! I just want to talk!"

The tears were flowing again, and there was no stopping them, once again. My arms hurt so bad from all the force.

My muscles tense up. I can't handle it anymore. I let go, and fall on the floor due to the release of the force.

Lukas, unaware that I stopped pushing, fell as well, the door swinging open.

He subsequently fell right on top of me. I try sliding out from under him, but he grabs my wrists before I can barely make it out. I'm still crying but trying to calm down, all the while avoiding eye contact with him.

All that was heard was our slightly heavy breathing, and the sounds of the carpet moving due to my attempt to get out.

"Lily...." He whispers softly, so only I can hear.

Chills run down my spine as I hear his soft voice. I stop struggling.

"Please, just listen to me."

I'm so glad I'm flat-chested, because he rests his head on my chest, still holding tight onto my wrists. He then proceeds,

"I'm sorry—"

I cut him off.

"Shut up."

He lifts his head, looking at me.

"W-what?" He says, shocked by my remark.

"I said shut up!" I yell, harshly.

I didn't intend only yelling but I couldn't help it. It was spur of the moment.

"Why are you apologizing?" I whisper as the tears return.

My crying grew more aggressive by the second.

"You didn't do a-anything wrong! I should be one apologizing, not y-you!"

My whole body is shaking, and I can't stop from crying uncontrollable. He lets go of my wrist, placing his hands on both sides of my head.

I don't move.

He slowly sits me up, and pulls me into a hug. I'm basically a limp dummy in his arms.

I feel his grip tighten on my bony body. He pulls away.

"I'm sorry—" he begins.


He put his finger on my lips before I could finish.

"Let me finish."

I look him in the eyes and nod. He removes his finger.

"What I was going to say is that I'm sorry for not being there for you. Not standing up for you in forest. Not going after you when you ran. Not being able to help you, when you needed help."

I see tears dwelling in his eyes as he spoke. I hear his voice waver at the end.

Why? Why do I cause people to cry? I hate it so much.

"What happened in the forest...what Mina said... besides apologizing, I need answers."

I start shifting out of discomfort. He notices this and places his hand over my mine for reassurance.

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