Chapter 13: The rise (finale)

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Katie was pacing the room.

"She's fine. There's no way he could know about her." She kept pacing.

Allie got up and stopped her.

"Sherry is safe. Though she is someone with a soft heart, she is fully capable of defending herself. She's a powerful women. Strong, too."

Katie shakes her off.

"But what if she freezes and it's too late? What if she somehow can't defend herself and she gets hurt? She can be too kind hearted at times. What if she doesn't do anything to protect herself because she doesn't want to him him? What if—"

"Katie, stop!" I yell.

She snaps out her protective girlfriend mode.

"I can show you where she is if that makes you feel better."

Katie looks unsure.

"But you're not in a good state. Besides, haven't you've been struggling with your powers lately."

I shake my head. "I can do it. I have enough energy to manifest. If I run out, then boohoo. I'm making sure you see that she's safe."

I get up and slowly walk to my cabinet where I keep all of my stuff. I grab only my ball and sit back down. I move everything aside and put it on my coffee table.

I remove Lukas's arm from my shoulder so he doesn't get the shock from it.

The ball is a normal bouncy ball. I squeeze it hard in my hand and it's turns into a metal ball that opens up with my touch. It's hollow but once I do the spell it should fill with smoke.

I do everything, say the spell, put all of my willpower into it. My head hurts and I can feel my body trying to shutdown but I fight through it. My breathing slows. My heart is pounding hard. My body shaking. I open my eyes. It's there. The smoke.

Sherry suddenly appears in the picture. She's in her dorm. She's taking a nap on her couch. Wait a minute...something isn't right. They can't see it but, it looks so cloudy. Just like a veil.

It clicks. I began to mumble a clear spell. It looks like a game that started to glitch. So many voices, and noises come through. I hear screams, and words I can't comprehend.

My head is pounding. Everything hurts. I hear my name but it sounds so muddy and filtered. I hear Sherry's voice in my head.

I can't believe what I heard. My body hurts. I'm still mumbling the spell. The fog isn't cleared yet.

I need to put more power into this... I have to save her... I have to save Sherry!!

Everything is clearing up but I can't stop. The voices start to settle, and Sherry's voice becomes clear as crystal.

"" She sounded so weak.

I can see the image in my head.

She's in a empty area, dark, and she's lying on something...maybe a floor? She seems to be tied up, her arms and legs bound my rope. She looks severly injured. She struggling to keep breathing.

"Sherry! SHERRY! I'm coming for you! Please hold on! I'm coming baby, I'm coming!" Katie starts to getting herself ready and pushes everyone to get ready.

Sweat trickles down my forehead. I can sense the cloud fading away. Its gone and the ball rolls onto the floor. I collapse on the floor, exhausted.

"Lily! Hey, it's okay, you're going to be okay." Lukas reassures.

" save...S-sherry."

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