Chapter 4: Game Plan

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"WHAT!" he yelled, clearly, in shock.

"But, aren't you unable to go down there?" he asks

"Yeah, but he said it should work right now." I reply.

This was not the reaction that I was expecting.

"Do the others know?" he asks.

"Well, yeah but we still don't know what to do." I respond.

"Here," I hand him the letter and he takes it 

"It's the letter."

He begins to read it and I wait until he's done reading.

"What are we going to do?" he asks.

"I already told you, we don't know!" I retort, beginning to get aggravated.

Why is this so frustrating all of the sudden?

"Here we'll talk about this more in the group chat, besides it getting late and I don't want to deal with the Dean." I conclude.

"Okay, good idea," He shoves his hands into his pockets and starts turning around to walk away.

"See you later." he finishes as he walks away.

"Bye." I quietly reply.

I go inside my dorm and head straight to my laptop in my room. Before I go to on to the group chat, I get a message from Allie. I open it up.

It say:

Icedrop54: hey! How did it go? Is there anything wrong? Just reply back if anything came up!

I reply with:

Lilyroni88: everything went great except the part where i told him that we had to go down the rabbit hole :( he totally freaked out! But it's all good now, so don't worry.

I return back to the main screen and go into the group chat.

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Lucasbomb101: so what's the game plan?

Minerose01: that's what we are trying to figure out

Icedrop54: should we sneak out?

Kittykat92: with the sphinx patrolling the grounds? I don't think so

Markieboy62: Maybe, sneak out during the day. The teachers will think that we're sick or something

Lilyroni88: but will all of us missing? Wouldn't that be kinda suspicious?

Icedrop54: we sneak out at different times. Some of us ask if we can go to the bathroom or pretend that you're gonna throw up and need to go to the nurse. Do whatever that will make you leave the class!

Lucasbomb101: what don't we have to travel to the rabbit hole? Wouldn't take a while to go there?

Minarose01: good point. Maybe be fill our backpacks with the things we need for the travel, like food and water

Icedrop54: pillows and blankets

Kittykat92: i can bring my expandable backpack. I can put some tents in there and other things if it can't fit it into your backpacks

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