The ring (boyf- feat tree bros)

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"MICHAEL!!!!!!!" Jeremy yelled. It's 9am on a Saturday so Micheal is still sleeping. Jeremy's outside his house, trying to get him to wake up. "MIIIIICHAAAAEEEELLLLLL" Jeremy yelled again, louder this time.

"What do you want Jeremy?!?" Michael sleepily called back. "What time is it anyway? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS ONLY NINE AM I COULD HAVE GOTTEN ANOTHER TWO HOURS OF SLEEP HOW DARE YOU RUIN THAT."

"That's not important right now, just get dressed and meet me outside."

Five minutes later Michael walks out wearing the same red hoodie he wears everyday.

"I need your help." Jeremy says

"With what" Michael asks

"My dad wants me to help him pick out a ring."

"Why does your dad need a ring?"

"He's going to propose."

"OOOOHHHH, what's his or her name?"

"Heidi Hansen. She has one son so I'm going to have a step brother. He's going to help us too."

"What's his name?"

"Evan. And his boyfriend may come too. His name is Connor. By the way, you're driving."


The boyfriends hop into Michaels P. T. Cruiser.

"Oh and we have to pick up Connor and Evan. My dads meeting us there."

———— This time skip is brought to you by Zoe and Alana————————————————————————————

The group arrives at the jewelry store to see Mr. Heere already looking over a group of rings.

"Ok boys, I want you each to find what you think would be the perfect ring and those will be my options, because well, I have no idea what to do."

"Ok!" They all say.

Michael picks a ring with one circular diamond and a frame with a lot of spirals.

Jeremy picks a ring with two diamonds, wrapped in an infinity sign band.

Evan picks a very sparkly ring, that looks kind of like a tree.

Connor picks a simple basic ring.

"Well boys, I like all the rings you've chosen, I'm going to deliberate for a little bit, why don't you four go get some ice cream."

So the group goes to get ice cream. Evan and Connor share a large milkshake while Jeremy and Michael share a super sized ice cream sundae.

"Let's play a game." Jeremy says, "each person must describe their partner in three words. The person being describe then states whether or not it is accurate. If it isn't, you have to replace the words to make them more accurate."

"I'll go first." Connor said. "Three words to describe Evan. Shy/nervous, cute and does tree lover count as one word?"

"Sure why not?"

"Ok then those are my three words about Evan"

"And they are pretty accurate. Now I do three words about Connor?"


"Ok, umm thoughtful, misunderstood, and soulmate" Evan said
"Hell yeah i am" Conner responded

"Ok, Michael your turn."

"Let's see, Jeremy is Dorky, in a cute way, he's smart, and he's loyal/loving.

"Aww thanks Mikey"

"No prob Jerebear"

Ok well Michael is Retro, he's hot, what he is!, and he is kind.

"Awwwwwwww" literally everyone says. Michael and Jeremy kiss.

"Should we go check on your dad?" Connor asks.
"Yeah I'm anxious to know what he chose." Evan adds. So the boys clean up their trash and head back to the jewelry store.

"I've narrowed it down to two options. The tree or the infinity. I would ask you to vote but Evan and Jeremy would go with the ones they chose and you two would go with your boyfriends. So I'm going to go around the mall and ask people what they think."

Evan and Jeremy each grab their respective chooses and the gang heads off to poll the people in the mall.

————time skip brought to you by the many many different ships on the internet—————————————

"So looks like you are getting the infinity band." Jeremy said

"Well I just hope she likes it."

"She'll love it because of the amount of thought and love put into it." Michael assured.

"I know she will love it!" Evan added

"It's sparkly and thoughtful so of course she'll like it" Connor added because everyone else added stuff too.

So I've only ever written two fan fictions so if anyone actually reads this let me know what you think and how I could make it better.

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