First Date (Jenna x Christine)

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Jenna Roland, the queen of gossip, has some secrets of her own. When she has a secret she guards it with her life because she knows how fast news and gossip spreads. Currently her biggest secret is she is gay, and has a crush on theater nerd Christine canigula.
Jenna POV

"Hey Christine!" I say as if it's a total coincidence I'm at the exit to the theater at the end of play practice. "How was rehearsal?"
"It was great! I love play rehearsal"
Almost as much as I love you I thought.
"So... uh.... Christine, I... uh... was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get coffee sometime or something." I said obviously nervous.
"Wait, really? You're asking me out?" She said, stunned
"Yeah, you don't have to say yes if you don't want to though."
"Jenna I'd love to go on a date with you. I was actually planning on asking you out today."
"Really? Well that's awesome. Well how about we go get coffee Friday after school?"
"That sounds great."
———————————————————————time skip brought to you by my brand new A.Ham hat that I rarely ever take off.————————————————————————

Pinkberry2: what is it?
GossipQUEEEN: what should I wear on my date
Pinkberry2: ummmm your normal outfit, unless your going somewhere fancy
GossipQUEEEN: I want to wear something different though
Pinkberry2: how about that cute teal top with the blue jeans
GossipQUEEEN: thanks for your help but I gtg, I'm running late.
Pinkberry2: no prob, just tell me all about it later.

——————————————————————————time skip brought to you by the fact that I SAW HAMILTON IN PERSON——————————————————————————

I sat down with my latte. Christine was in line waiting order. Finally she sat down at my table.
"I'm so happy you asked me out" Christine said "I've had a crush on you for the longest time, but was still working up the confidence to ask you out."
"Really? Well that's exactly how I've felt about you!" I replied, happier than I'd ever been before. We continue to talk for hours, before noticing how dark it's getting.
"As much as I love spending time with you, it's getting late and my parents are probably expecting me." I say. So we pick up our trash  and I walk her to her car.
"Goodnight Honey" she said
"Oh. We have nicknames now? Ok. Goodnight Chrissy" I say. And before she could leave, I leaned in and gave her a kiss. But just as I did, there was a flash. We assumed it was lightning so we both hurried home, but the storm never came.
———————time skip to the next morning——————
When I arrived at school, it was eerily quiet. Everyone was staring and whispering at me. It was confusing me, I was on top, there wasn't anything that could bring me down. I didn't have secrets.......except— oh no. Someone must have seen us yesterday. I get to my locker, and on it is a screenshot of Instagram with the picture of me kissing Christine goodnight last night. I take a deep breath, turn around and face the crowd.
"Listen up! Everyone in this hallway has been whispering and staring, as if I should be ashamed, but I'm not. Yes I'm Dating Christine Caligula, yes I'm a lesbian. Stop acting as if I'm an alien who came down to Earth. I'm still the same person I've always been. This shouldn't change anything." At least the blatantly obvious whispering and staring and judging would stop. But I knew things would change, I knew people would judge me, but I also knew I would be okay, as long as I have Christine by my side.

615 words. Probably my longest story. I know this is probably not how something like this would happen in real life but I wanted to make a fun story. Please let me know about any spelling/ grammatical errors and I'll correct them. Thank you for reading.

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