Soulmate AU

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I haven't posted and I'm sorry, I've gotten out of the fandom a little bit, but I still want to update. If you want more updates, read my other book. Also, I'm working on a couple full books, I'm just a slow writer.

Warning: some cursing

So the way this one works, the first thing your soulmate says to you is on your wrist. Also, I totally stole this from someone and I can't remember who so, sorry if it's you I'll give you credit.

Jeremy has always been confused. Written on his wrist was simply. Oh my fucking god it's you! He never understood this. Was it genuine or sarcastic? Oh well, I guess he'll find out later.

Michael on the other hand, always covered up his wrist. He never told anyone what it said. It was part of the reason for his sweatshirt, he didn't want anyone to see. Everyone assumed it was dirty or embarrassing, but no one knew the truth.

When they were both 16 (but didn't know each other) Harry Potter and the half blood prince came out.

Jeremy had been a casual fan. Going to see the movies, but not obsessing over them. Micheal on the other hand, was a hardcore fan along with his friends. (The text just kinda changed for that sentence on my phone. Idk why, if it changed for you, Sry)

"So guys, are we going to see the new movie on Friday?" Micheal said, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, who do you think we are?" His friend Jenna said.


"Guess what!" Jeremy said, running up to Rich
"What?" Rich said, barely paying attention

"I just won two tickets to Harry Potter on Friday"

"Oh cool"

———————————————Time skip to Friday brought to you by my lack of a will to live———————————————

At the end of the movie, everyone was in tears. Well, everyone but Micheal.

"How can you not be in tears?" Jenna asked

"Well-" Micheal started before being cut off from a loud person across the theater

"I can't believe Dumbledore died!"

"Oh my fucking god it's you!" Micheal yelled back.

Jeremy looked down at his wrist in confusion

"I spoiled the movie for you?" Jeremy said, trying to cover up a laugh with a cough. It didn't work.

"Yeah. I had to keep my wrist covered to protect my friends from the worst spoiler I've ever gotten"

Jeremy and Rich started laughing. Then Jeremy realized they shouldn't be yelling across the the theater, (even though the audience was enjoying it) and walked over to Micheal, whose arms were crossed over his chest and he looked mad.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy, I believe I'm your soulmate?"

"I'm Micheal"

"I love your name" Jeremy said before just leaning down and kissing him. The audience cheered. The new couple pulled apart and laughed.

"I'm still mad at you for spoiling the movie"

"Well I can live with that. Wanna get some coffee and get to know each other?"

"Sure" Micheal said before grabbing Jeremy's hand. Rich and Jenna just looked at each other.

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET HOME?!?!?" They said in unison.

Oof sorry it's short. Please please please I neeeed REQUESTS. Have five ideas, tell
Me them all. I write requests within 2 days of getting them and normally a lot quicker than that (says the person who has only gotten two requests) anyway, I'll write it. It can be as vague or detailed as you want, I just need ideas!!!!!!!!!!!

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