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This is a request from DeepfriedMusicals I hope it's what you were looking for.

Jeremy and Michael had been dating for a few months when the most confusing thing happened. They were out on a date at their favorite restaurant when a teenager, around their age came over.
"Omigod you're Michael Mell. I'm a huge fan. My name's Celeste. Can I get a picture with you?"

"Sure" Michael replies, flashing a gorgeous smile.

"Micha, sweety, honey bunches, WHAT THE FU-"

"Shhhhhh. Appropriate language. Now let me explain. Over the years, I've gathered a few followers on Instagram, to the point where I'm getting sponsored and posted on the official Instagram account. People know me from that."

"Excuse me what? You're famous and you didn't tell me?"

"I'm not really famous bu-"

"Yes you are. I looked you up. You have 38 MILLION FOLLOWERS. That's as much as Zac Effron (who shares my birthday). That's counts as famous."

"Okay so I'm insta famous."

The date continued and was relatively pleasant. But in the weeks after, Jeremy notices more and more the state and people coming up to Michael. Like any good boyfriend, Jeremy becomes Jealous. After looking online, he notices all of the thirst DMs and tweets aimed at Michael, but what finally put him over the edge was the girl.

"Hi. You're Michael. Michael Mell right, well I was wondering since you're so hot, if you'd want to go out sometime, or just stay in at my place." She said with a wink.

"I'm not into gi-"

"Oh my god stop. He's gay. He's on a date. With his boyfriend, ME. Now if you would please leave us alone. I want to have a date for once without having to deal with thirsty fan girls like yourself who just wanna hook up with someone famous. So please leave me and my boyfriend ALONE." Jeremy said. Everyone stared at him. Michael hadn't hidden the fact he was gay, but he hadn't come out either. The girl walked away with a sigh.

Time skip to Later that evening

"Jere, why didn't you tell me you were jealous. We should have talked about this instead of you going off on that poor girl." Michael said, still sounding caring.

"I just am tired of Everyone flirting with you and sending you thirst messages. I'm your boyfriend. I'm the only one who should be sending you messages like that."

"Aww jere, do you want to be officially announced as my boyfriend so that some of the fangirls will stop?"

"Yeah that would make me happy, but I don't wanna force you to come out until you're ready."

"It's okay. Me coming out is long overdue."

The next day, there was a new post.

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@michael.mell this is my boyfriend Jeremy. I've been meaning to tell you guys for a while now, but I'm gay. If you're going to hate on me, unfollow or be blocked. I don't care. If you wanna go follow him, you can find him @jerem.heere I love him and he loves me. Enough said. I'm so proud of you honey same
@jerem.heere for the record, he created an account for me, made almost the same post on mine, gave me the password and ran. I feel like an old man for not understanding how this app works.
@celeste14 you guys are so cute. I'm so happy for you
@Jazz_Band_Jazz aww this is adorable. I'll even accept you yelling at me because I would to if I was dating him. Michael I'm sorry for how I acted towards you.
@michael.mell @Jazz_Band_Jazz I forgive you. Jeremy feels guilty for how he acted.
@Jazz_Band_Jazz OHMYGODOHMYGOD @michael.mell responded to ME

Yay my first request. Hope you like it. It's not my best but it's a full one shot for once. Anyway, I updated YAY.

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